GOVERNOR ’06 – Arnold banks, The Dems spend.The big news of the day is that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has really put his campaign fundraising into gear, raising millions of dollars since the beginning of the year – out raising each of his Democratic opponents. Actually, this highlights the financial advantage of running unopposed as the Republican Party’s pre-primary endorsed nominee for Governor — Schwarzenegger is not only putting money in the bank for the fall campaign — but his two opponents are spending money like crazy on television ads as they wage a hard-fought campaign for their party’s nomination.
Of course, all three candidates for Governor are quite wealthy in their own right, multi-millionaires all. That said, there are a lot of news stories today that talk about the extremely deep pockets of E-bay co-founder Steve Westly, who has a personal fortune measured in many hundreds of millions of dollars. There is no doubt that he will be spending much more than his opponent, Angelides, in the coming months. That said, both of them will spend more than enough to get out their message, and both of them will have no choice but to put out a ‘contrasting’ message — which is to say that a substantial portion of their advertising dollars will be spend beating the tar out of each other. It won’t be pretty, and you can be sure that the ‘last man left standing’ with be pretty bloodied up.
There are a lot of interesting stories in the news today besides the top stories above…
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