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Jon Fleischman

SacBee’s Weintraub gives his thoughts on the bond mess

From time to time, FR friend Dan Weintraub, over at the Sacramento Bee, links to something featured on this blog.  So, it seems only fair that we return the favor on occasion.  Weintraub, considered to be keen thinker on the capitol polical scene, and its juncture with the world of public policy, has taken a stab at why he thinks that no infrastructure plan is on the June ballot.  He says:

What went wrong?

By Dan Weintraub from his blog:

With the bond deal dead for June and in danger of not happening at all, Schwarzenegger now risks looking like a hapless governor who can’t get along with Democrats but also can’t depend on his own Republican allies for votes when he needs them. If that image sticks and intensifies over the summer, he will find it increasingly difficult to win reelection in the fall.

What went wrong with the governor’s public works package? Many things. But here’s a start (click through to his full and interesting blog entry).

(I know, you’d prefer for me to list his analysis here.  I could do that, but then you should be checking out Dan’s blog regularly anyways.)