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Barry Jantz

50th CD Fodder Swirling

Perhaps to brag, but I’m just about on my way to SDSU’s Cox Arena for Round One of March Madness, FOUR basketball games between 11:40 this morning and 9:00 tonite, so just wanted to get a quickie posted on the 50th before seeing Marquette, UCLA, Illinois and Washington take on their equally impressive opponents.  Life’s rough, but at least a defense contractor didn’t buy me my tickets.

Politics can be like the ups and downs of basketball, and the missives and rumors are flying in the Cunningham Replacement Thing.  The SD Politics Blog has Alan Uke considering hanging it up, based on the big money spending by Eric Roach and Bill Hauf.  If you saw Duane’s post two days ago on the Competitive Edge poll, you know that Uke’s half a mil is only translating into 3.6%, so you understand the Uke concern, if it’s true.

On the other hand, some are claiming the poll shows the conservatives like Morrow and Kaloogian splitting the vote, especially with the previously unknown conservative (is that a neo-con?) Roach spending the bucks.

SD Politics goes so far as to float a Morrow being pressured out item, but I don’t buy it, partly for reasons noted below.  (JJ, address the rumor-mill here if you want.)

So, some scenarios have the money spenders splitting the vote, some have it as the conservatives doing so, thus helping Brian Bilbray.  I say it’s a crap shoot, almost anybody’s ball game. 

One thing is for sure.  The tried-and-true conservatives are definitely trying to out-flank each other.  Kaloogian announced endorsements this week by Bruce Herschensohn and Alan Keyes.  Check the Keyes quote:

“I am pleased to join many of my colleagues within the pro-life and pro-family movement in endorsing Howard Kaloogian for Congress.  Howard has spent years tirelessly in the trenches of political warfare, actively defending in both principle and in practice the Reagan GOP platform.  He is an energetic proponent of moral conservatism, a fearless defender of the innocent unborn, a committed advocate of responsible self-government – and sorely needed in the People’s House in Washington.”

My personal favorite, though, is Morrow’s announcement:

(Carlsbad) – State Senator Bill Morrow, one of California’s most vocal leaders in the fight against child sex offenders, and the leading candidate for Congress in the 50th District, today unveiled a new radio spot and mail piece which highlight Morrow’s steadfast position to chemically castrate child rapists after the first offense. Morrow, a legislative co-sponsor of Jessica’s Law, is endorsed by Jessica’s Law authors State Senator George Runner and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, as well as Southern Californians for Jessica’s Law Chairman Phil Thalheimer.

"Jessica’s Law" – radio ad transcript:

Child rape is the worst crime imaginable.

As a father, Senator Bill Morrow wants to do everything in his power to protect not only his son, but all our kids.

Morrow wants to throw the book at child rapists the first time.

Senator Morrow thinks existing law isn’t tough enough. He wants to sentence child rapists to chemical castration the first time these vicious predators rape an innocent child.

More here.

The SDUT’s Logan Jenkins was so enamored of the Morrow announcement, he dedicates major space this morning.

3 Responses to “50th CD Fodder Swirling”

  1. Says:

    morrow out? please. he’s too buys cutting off people’s you know what’s

  2. Says:

    I’m jealous Barry. As a loyal UCLA fan, I wish I was down there with you rooting em on against Belmont. Good analysis on the 50th race too. I still think the race is a “jump ball” at this point to coin a basketball term.

  3. Says:

    Kaloogian has a pretty good list of national supporters. I am impressed to see how far along he has come. Not that the numbers are there for him, but he certainly is not running a “do nothing” campaign.