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Duane Dichiara

Polling CD 50

Polling off the wire in Congressional District 50 (802 likely special election voters/Competative Edge Research). For those of you outside Southern California, Competative Edge is legit.

First Ballot:

Busby 33.5% Bilbray 14.8% Roach 7.9% Kaloogian 7.1% Morrow 4.7% Uke 3.6%


Busby 5.3% Bilbray 4.3% Roach 4.3% Kaloogian 2.7% Morrow 2.1% Uke 1.1%

What should concern observers the most is the surprising run-off numbers:

Bilbray 40.9% Busby 38.2%

Roach 35.8% Busby 35.2%

And here’s where it gets interesting…

Busby 43.8% Kaloogian 32%

Busby 40.7% Morrow 35.5%

3 Responses to “Polling CD 50”

  1. Says:

    No tabs. No way to tell anything. Wide open race.

  2. Says:

    What’s interesting is that if you add in leaners, Busby gets NO bump in the second ballot. Not surprising for folks who know the district…but probably surprising for her.

  3. Says:

    I saw this from Orr yesterday. What I thought was interesting? funny? pathetic? all of the above? was how even with that predominantly-GOP electorate, the Issa and YR endorsements (respectively) hurt Bilbray and Morrow, and the LaSuer endorsement overwhelmingly hurt Howard. Are GOP voters in that district becoming more independent minded?