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Jennifer Nelson

What is Prosper thinking?

It was annoying to see the big Pierre Richard Prosper for AG display at the convention this weekend, especially since he has not pulled papers on the race.

Prosper really should be running against Dianne Feinstein for U.S. Senate.  We have no one running against Feinstein, allowing her to lean left in an election year (voting against Supreme Court nominees Alito and Roberts in committee and on the floor). 

Prosper should run in this seat, not against Sen. Chuck Poochigian in the attorney general race.  He has no state experience, he doesn’t live in California and his homeland security experience would serve him well in the Senate race.

There’s no question that Poochigian would beat Prosper, so if the guy is simply trying to build name ID, he’d be better off running in the senate race. 

Here’s a question:  When it is Poochigian vs. Jerry Brown in the general, what is the governor going to do?  Poochigian deserves his early and strong support, given how much help he’s been to the governor since Schwarzenegger took office.  However, I know that Brown’s people think that the governor will be helpful to them because Brown and Schwarzenegger have a good relationship.  This will be a great opportunity for Schwarzenegger to show the GOP that he is willing to be loyal to the party and to the people who have helped him in office. 

3 Responses to “What is Prosper thinking?”

  1. Says:

    Dick Mountjoy is running against Feinstein.

  2. Says:

    “It was annoying to see the big Pierre Richard Prosper for AG display at the convention this weekend, especially since he has not pulled papers on the race.”

    First some Muslims get upset over some silly cartoons published in a Danish newspaper and now a respected FlashReport contributor is annoyed over a couple of signs at a political convention.

    What is this world coming to?

  3. Says:

    I didn’t think that Dick Mountjoy had officially declared his candidacy. Anyway, even if he runs, my point stands. We don’t have anyone running against Feinstein…