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Jon Fleischman

Tran Drops Senate Run, Will Seek Reelection For Now…

The FlashReport has learned tonight from Assemblyman Van Tran that he has decided NOT to run for the State Senate in the 34th State Senate District.  Instead, he will sit out the Senate race, and seek re-election to the 68th Assembly Seat he has occupied since 2004. 

Tran said that his decision was not based on his ability to defeat his primary opponent in the race, Lynn Daucher.  Rather, he felt that coming out of a bruising primary would make it virtually impossible to beat the eventual Democratic nominee, especially with his feeling that there was a lack of unity from certain critical fellow Republican leaders.

There is still a primary match-up though for Daucher, with the opponent being long-time Santa Ana Republican activist Lupe Moreno.  But clearly she will not be as formidable a challenger to the well-funded Daucher as Tran would have been.
The most immediate ripple-effect here is that Tran will now seek reelection in the 68th district where a GOP donnybrook was in full force between Garden Grove Councilwoman Janet Nguyen and longtime GOP activist and donor Jim Righeimer.  I guess both of them will have to wait longer.

But if Democrat Supervisor Lou Correa beats out Assemblyman Tom Umberg for the Democratic nomination, and can defeat his Republican opponent, then we may see a special election for County Supervisor in early 2007 – and perhaps Tran will run for that open seat, and shortly after a special election would occur for Riggy and Janet to pick up where they have left off.
I’m sure more will develop on this story.  I will say this – Van Tran has been a friend of mine since college days, where we were both activists in Young Americans for Freedom.  I’m pleased he will still be serving in the State Assembly, and look forward to sharing a glass of wine with him soon, since he’ll have plenty of free time this year…

Speaking of wine, the most intriguing end-note to Tran’s departure from this race was the bottle of wine that he shared with Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman tonight (the bottle of wine apparently provided by the Senator’s colleague, Sam Aanastad).  Was there some deal cut?  Some future promise of support given?  Time will tell, but for now — that’s all of the news that’s fit to print.

3 Responses to “Tran Drops Senate Run, Will Seek Reelection For Now…”

  1. Says:

    Draft Janet or Jim to run against Daucher. They both have organizations in place and have begun to raise money…so why not. Daucher won’t win the general election, and Jim might have an uphill battle but I think Janet would have a shot.

  2. Says:

    This is a disturbing development. Daucher is an empty suit on core Republican issues.

  3. Says:

    Dear Mr. Fleischman:
    I wish to point out that your “Flashreport” on Van Tran contains some inaccurated information. According to the election records of the Orange County Registrar of Voters, Mr. Jim Righeimers did not yet pull paper to begin his filing for any public office this year. Ms. Janet Nguyen pulled election paper for the 68th AD on 2/17, but she did not return to submit her singature in lieu papers at the County office by the deadline on 2/23/06. The only republican candidate in the 68th AD who actually submitted signature in lieu papers to the County election official on 2/23/06 is Dr. Long Kim Pham of Fountain Valley, who officially pulled his signature in lieu paper on 1/19/06. His name and all related records are listed on the County Election Filing Log, but not on your Flashreport. Long