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Jon Fleischman

OC Register Political Reporters Join Blogosphere

For some time now, the editorial team at the Orange County Register has been running a blog called the Orange Punch, but as of just a few days ago, I am pleased to let FR readers know that some of the political writers on the new-side of the OC Register have started writing for the new "Total Buzz" blog.  The ‘starters’ for this new venture are the Register’s "Ace" Political Reporter "in county" – FR friend Martin Wisckol, who has garnered a reputation for his wide network of good sources.  Joining him is the hard-charging Norberto Santana, who cover’s the OCR’s county government beat.  Finally you have reporter Peggy Lowe to round out the trio.

FR predicts that very soon we will see the additions of Saraya Nelson out of the OCR Sacramento Bureau, and Dena Bunis out of DC.  This will make for a great team, bringing us more great intel/news/gossip on a breaking-news basis. 

Welcome to the blogosphere!!  We’ve placed you in the esteemed FR Blog Roll above, and look forward to great things!


P.S.  Both of these great blogs still don’t make up for the fact that the OC Register website is like the world’s least navigatable newspaper website.  Someone over there needs to check out the Sacramento Bee site.