I was saddened to read on my new friend Bill Bradley’s New West Notes blog that our Republican Governor’s Chief of Staff, Democrat Susan Kennedy, would not be coming with the Governor to the GOP Convention!
The Governor has been taking her along as he has gone to smaller meetings with GOP donors. I had a chance (h/t to FR friend Richard Costigan) to meet Ms. Kennedy briefly following the State of the State Address last year. I found her to be quite charming and funny.
I actually think that it would be a good idea for her to come to the convention tonight. Actually, there are a few good reasons. Enough so that I thought I would give you my list of top reasons:
#10: Delegates would be fascinated, I’m sure, to hear about what it was like to try and defend Gray Davis in the recall – she could give a speech on Sunday on this topic. We can arrange an honorarium from a major telecommunications firm.
#9: There is no better way to be ‘accepted’ by GOP insiders than to hang out in the hotel bar and let Vince Monaco buy you fruity drinks.
#8: She could hold a joint press-conference with State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim, announce her re-registration as a Republican, and write a $1,000 check (she can afford it) to Tom McClintock’s campaign for Liuetenant Governor.
#7: If Kennedy truly cares about the Governor, coming to convention will allow her to see and hear exactly how much dismay and demoralization her presence in the Governor’s office has on so many of the folks who worked hard to elect Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor.
#6: She can flash evil voodoo signs at the Governor if he tries to make any real substantive policy statements in his speech that reinforce his Republican values instead of the ‘non-partisan’ Arnold she is trying to groom.
#5: Susan can attend workshops and explain how she worked hard as Executive Director of the State Democrat Party to defeat Republican candidates. She and her boss, Party Chairman Phil Angelides, did so well we could undoubtedly learn a thing or two from her experiences.
#4: The drive from San Jose back to her home in Marin County, if you take Highway 280, is gorgeous – infinately prettier that the normal I-80 corridor commute from Sacramento.#3: Rather than using a cardboard cut-out, delegates will be able to take a photo with Susan, and be entertained by her wit in person (that happy couple on the right is me with Susan).
#2: She could come and talk to GOP County Treasurers about how to augment their full-time job income with a fat paycheck from their county committee coffers!
and the #1 reason why Kennedy shold come to the GOP Convention:
#1: So she can hang out in the lobby with her former employee, Democrat-loudmouth/gadfly Bob Mulholland and chuckle about when they trashed Bruce Herschensohn in 1992, and gave California ultra-liberal Senator Barbara Boxer.
Obviously some of these points are serious, others in good humor. Still, the source of my pain here is that I support this Governor, would like to see him re-elected, yet am firmly opposed to the idea that a Democrat (let alone one of such ‘impeccable credentials’ is his Chief of Staff).