There is an article today in the Los Angeles Times injecting some controversy into the hiring of Susan Kennedy. It is easy to find the whole thing on the main page. I will say that I know Governor Schwarzenegger to be an honorable and ethical person, and so I think any implication of being ‘for sale’ is without merit.. I don’t know Susan Kennedy, though I am troubled with the central role that she played in the Gray Davis administration. Especially when you factor in her close friendship with uber-slick lobbyist/developer Darius Anderson, who was widely known to be the fundraiser-in-chief for the recalled and disgraced former Governor.
That said, if you look at the volume of contributions that come into a Gubernatorial-level campaign, the money comes from all over the place — and especially from interests that do business with or are regulated by the state. You can take this Susan Kennedy story and repeat it a thousand times over with other contributions that came in around the time of other appointments.
I think the implication that the Governor took money from AT&T as some sort of quid-pro-quo for a vote by Kennedy on the PUC is bogus. That said, I still maintain as I have all along that a Republican Governor should have a Republican Chief of Staff. Susan Kennedy may be affable, capable, and more (I enjoyed meeting her briefly) — but she is still responsible for (unfortunately) defeating many solid Republicans, including the horrific election of Barbara Boxer over Bruce Herschensohn in 1992, when she was Executive Director of the State Democrat Party (Phil Angelides was her boss then). Equally troubling as having her run our GOP Governor’s office is her being associated with the campaign in any way. Well, I’ve already beat this dead horse about a hundred times.
My disappointment in this hire does not dampen my support for the Governor, it just makes me frustrated and sad. But just because the Governor has hired this Democrat (and others) does not make him unethical – not even close.
OUTFLANKED ON THE RIGHT BY — SHIELA KUEHL?State Senator Sam Aanasted must have been really embarrassed when his legislation, carried the behest of the Governor, to place a $3 mandatory monthly ‘water fee’ on every California property was killed by Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee Chairwoman Sheila Kuehl (pictured, appropriately, to the left), a famously liberal politician from Santa Monica. There was a lot of controversy already, as this ‘fee’ actually was a tax. It is just astounding to me that things could be so upside-down in the State Capitol that we are looking to legislators like Kuehl to do anything that is taxpayer friendly. This story, as written by Hank Shaw of the Stockton Record, is on the main page. Don’t miss the piece from Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association right beneath it, if you have any doubts that this ‘fee’ was not a tax.
In an ongoing trend where Republicans are being outfoxed in the debate, why is it Senator Dianne Feinstein that is getting headlines for decrying the shady/hidden process of ‘earmarking’ in Congress? Why is it that we have allowed this horrific practice of legislators ‘slipping’ appropriations into bills to help particular interests to balloon under Republican ‘control’ of Congress? Well, rather than be frustrated about the messenger, I will simply applaud Feinstein and any other Members of Congress that are willing to decry this shameful practice. If you want to look at the source of the ethnical problems plaguing Congress — it’s this earmarking that is a big contributor. It was this ‘earmarking’ that allowed the resigned Congressman ‘Duke’ Cunningham (yeah, the criminal) to ‘take care’ of the interests that gave him millions. Admitted criminal Jack Ambramoff was legendary for his ability to get Members of Congress to ‘earmark’ funds for his clients. Republicans should do the right thing, and end earmarking. Certainly, on the short-term — as Senator Feinstein has suggested — bring transparency to the process, and let’s get this ‘gifting of public moneys’ out in the open.
Last night, I was at the re-election kick-off for my boss, Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona. Carona, the popular seven-year incumbent announced his bid for a third term to a packed crowd of well over 400 who paid $1500 a seat to attend a swanky dinner at the posh St. Regis Hotel in Dana Point. Governor Schwarzenegger talked at length about his relationship with Sheriff Carona, and pledged to do anything to see his friend re-elected. Also speaking in support of the Sheriff was Bernard Karic, the former NYPD Commissioner, as well as Erin Runnion, whose daughter, Samantha, was tragically abducted, brutalized and murdered years ago. The event was a who’s-who of the Orange County political scene, and really showed a tremendous amount of support for Carona. This was especially heartening as the last couple of years have seen some challenges for Carona, most notably being betrayed by a close friend, whom he had hired as an Assistant Sheriff. Carona terminated him to them find out he had apparently been using public resources at the department for personal gain — for which this ex-friend is now facing criminal charges.
This event, reported to have raised over $700,000 means that the Sheriff will have over a million dollars to make the case for his re-election. Given that the areas patrolled by the department are among the safest in America, the Sheriff has a good argument in support of his re-election to bring to voters in June…
Have a great day!
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