Disclosures are rolling out for Assembly races. This is a fast over-view of San Diego hot spots, more to come…
In the 77th (LaSuer) Nurse/Businesswoman Beecham (Coronado Communications Client) brought in 134k in the last period and has 133k on hand. Much of Beecham’s fundraising was in the form of a loan, but she has the capability of partially self-funding. Businessman/activist Anderson (Nygren) brought in 44k and has 116k on hand. Anderson’s disclosures were notable for the sheer number of medium and small doners, many activist types. City Councilman Dale (Wainio) brught in 57k and has 91k on hand. Dale spent quite a bit this last go round on overhead. Beyer’s (Justin) on line file has not updated yet… I’ll update when they are in.
In the 74th (Wyland) Businessman Garrick (Coronado Communications Client) raised 213k this period and ended with 348 cash on hand. City Councilwoman Waldron (Gilliard) raised 47k this period and ended with 188k on hand, less on hand than on the less disclosure because of somewhat heavy overhead spending. More than half of the Garrick money is his own, both in the form of a loan and outright donation to the campaign. 100k of the Waldren money is also in the form of a loan… but the real question is "will she spend it"?