FR FEATURED IN THE CHRONICLEYesterday, San Francisco Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci penned a very flattering piece on this website, which appeared on the front page of the second section of the paper! It is a great read, and a lot of folks say some very flattering things. Please take an opportunity to check it out! (This photo to the right is me working on this site – a photographer came to my home in the early hours of last Wednesday morning!)
MARK LENO: PRO-CRIMINALToday’s lead feature column in the FR is an eye-opening piece from Assemblyman Todd Spitzer (pictured to the left) where he writes about what he sees happening with the Democrat majority on the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee. There has been a lot of controversy lately because of Democratic opposition to some very common-sense ‘tough-on-crime’ measures. Earlier in the week, in a sarcastic moment, I said that there must be a union for sexual predators in Sacramento, because it is usually at the behest of some labor union that Democrats present such a united, unmoving front.
I would imagine that Mark Leno, the committee’s Chairman and a big source of the problem, is not long for this spot. There are already rumors that he may be ‘promoted’ into another committee chairmanship. Going into an election year, this is a bad time for Democrats to be seen as soft on crime. This is all an example of how the Democrat caucuses in Sacramento are dominated by ultra-liberals.
**There is more – click the link**