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Jon Fleischman

Epicenter of the Right Wing Conspiracy: San Diego!

Some things are just too unbelievable to read.  Today when I got an email from FR friend Carl DeMaio of the San Diego-based Performance Institute, with a link to an online version of a research paper, I was blown-away with what I read.

Clicking this link took me to a 79 page analysis by some guy named Lee Cokorinos at the website of the Center for Policy Initiatives.  To read it, you start to think of that Mel Gibson movie, Conspiracy Theory.  Your eyes start to go wide, and you start to look for photographs of black helicopters on each page.

This bizarre look at one left-wing analysts view of conservatism in San Diego is called Target San Diego: The Right Wing Assault on Urban Democracy and Smart Government.

This is their brief discription of their study:

Target San Diego is an analysis of the Right wing infrastructure of local and regional think tanks and their strategy to build power in urban areas to secure permanent political control at the state and national levels. As a testing ground for new conservative tactics in urban areas San Diego, and other ‘purple cities’ like Denver, Miami and Atlanta, have the potential to swing national elections.

If you have two hours, it is probably a fun read.  Or you can do like I did, and flip through it, marveling at the detailed diagrams inside.  I felt like maybe this was a sequel to Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code.

Somehow the hub of all evil in San Diego is Ron Nehring.  Congrats, Ron.

You can find this ‘work of art’ right here.

2 Responses to “Epicenter of the Right Wing Conspiracy: San Diego!”

  1. Says:

    This is quite funny. Where are the sections on Barry, Duane, Steve Baldwin, Connie Youngkin, Bob McClellan, and don’t forgot Jim Harnsberger?

    These guys have way to much time on their hands!

  2. Says:

    To Dwight’s point, I’m absolutely offended I’m not mentioned, and Steve only gets a footnote (the PDF search tool works wonders…saves a lot of otherwise worthless reading).

    What’s the academic world coming to! No institutional knowledge!