Last December, Rasmussen Reports polling showed that the Governator was down by a few points in one-on-one hypothetical match ups with Phil Angelides and Steve Westly. Now, a few weeks later, the same company is reporting that the race is neck and neck. I’ve reprinted some of their summary findings below, but you can read more, including survey crosstabs right here.

January 24, 2006–California’s Republican governor is neck and neck with either of two potential Democratic challengers.
In a match-up with State Treasurer Phil Angelides, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger leads Angelides 41% to 39%. Matched with State Comptroller Steve Westly, Schwarzenegger trails 39% to 40%. In mid-December, our polling showed Angelides leading Schwarzenegger 44% to 40%. Westly led him 46% to 39%.
Much of the incumbent’s political muscle, dramatically displayed just a little more than two years ago in a post-recall election victory, seemed to turn to flab last year. A recent "move to the center" may be converting some of it back into muscle.
If so, he still has a bit more political heavy lifting to do. In our mid-December poll, Schwarzenegger was viewed favorably by 43% of the state’s likely voters, unfavorably by 55%. He is now viewed favorably by 44% and unfavorably by 49%. Those unsure have increased to 8%.
Angelides is viewed favorably by 34% and unfavorably by 27%, with 39% "not sure." Westly is viewed favorably by 26% and unfavorably by 25%, with 49% "not sure."
Forty-four percent (44%) of voters favor the governor’s budget proposal, which includes billions of new spending on education and transportation—just a few percentage points more than prefer him in either match-up.
Although only 29% of likely voters oppose the proposal, 48% say it will lead to higher taxes. Support for the proposal cuts across traditional party lines. Among Republicans, two thirds of whom view the governor favorably, just 49% approve of the budget proposal and 37% disapprove.
Fifty-one percent (51%) of California voters believe Judge Alito will be confirmed to the Supreme Court.