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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Targeting those who lobby missed the point – Delegation has NOT endorsed Bilbray

Every once in a while, a column comes along that really moves you – or causes you to think about something in a totally different way.  Today’s Golden Pen Award winner is famed economist Walter Williams.  Williams really gets to the core of the problem in Washington, D.C. — and it is not the lobbyists.  Yeah, what Jack Abramoff did was wrong, but the solution to stopping this problem does not lie with ‘reforms aimed at lobbyists’ – but rather an introspective look by Congress at itself. 

Williams, in part, writes:

Why do corporations, unions and other interest groups fork over millions of dollars to the campaign coffers of politicians? Is it because these groups are extraordinarily civic-minded Americans who have a deep interest in congressmen doing their jobs of upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution? Might it be that these groups and their Washington-based lobby arms, numbering in the thousands, just love participating in the political process? Anyone answering in the affirmative to either question probably also believes that storks deliver babies and there really is an Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

A much better explanation for the millions going to the campaign coffers of Washington politicians lies in the awesome growth of government control over business, property, employment and other areas of our lives. Having such power, Washington politicians are in the position to grant favors. The greater their power to grant favors, the greater the value of being able to influence Congress, and there’s no better influence than money.

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