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Mike Spence

Huff, Margett on Kennedy

Overlooked in the riots against the Kennedy coup in the horseshoe were comments by  a couple of Los Angeles County legislators regarding the appointment.

As reported in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune by Mike Sprague

"I’m very disappointed," Huff said. "There’s no question we needed to make a change in direction. His idea of course correction turned out to be a sharp left turn."

Huff said he now wonders if Schwarzenegger will be willing to sign legislation on driver licenses for undocumented immigrants.

State Sen. Bob Margett, R-Glendora, said he’s concerned Schwarzenegger may not have thought out the ramifications of the appointment.

"I don’t know if anybody in the Republican ranks is going to be able to go to Susan Kennedy with any great confidence on political  issues and say they have a friend and have access to the governor," Margett said