While only a small portion of FR readers are from Orange County relatively, and even less in live in the 48th Congressional District, I want to remind folks that this Tuesday is the special election to fill the unexpired term of Congressman Christopher Cox, who resigned from Congress after being tapped by the President to head the Federal Exchange Commission. This race is being viewed nationally because minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist is on the ballot as an American Independent.
Every political observer has said that Gilchrist has no shot, but that how well he does will signal, nationally, whether the GOP has a problem on the immigration issue.

So while the national pundits want to prognosticate over what it will mean when Gilchrist is crushed — maybe they should blame his low numbers on three factors: his willingness to associate with a fringe political party (and maybe his support for the Green Party candidate for California Governor), the fact that Campbell has done a great job communicating his message (especially on immigration issues) to voters, and finally, Campbell’s campaign and groundgame are much more professional and substantive than Gilchrist.
When history judges the Gilchrist for Congress campaign, it will be that Gilchrist threw his name on the ballot so that a group of nameless-faceless direct-mail consultants used him to line their pockets.
I’ll be writing a longer analysis on this race relatively soon, but there are a couple of articles on the main page today on this race. Nationally, Democrats are trying to spin that this ‘safe GOP’ seat is in play, and that local GOP voters will blame their party for the actions of the criminal, Cunningham. I don’t see it playing out that way at all. But perhaps the Republican Party should help innoculate this problem with a mailing to all Republican households in that district, sharing the GOP’s disappointment and anger of the abuse of trust committed by Cunningham. That the GOP believes in honesty and integrity above all.
On the main page, enjoy your Sunday a little more by taking the time to read the two selection awarded with the Golden Pen – one a piece from Debra Saunders who expresses her disbelief that the Governor would tap Gray Davis’ former Deputy Chief of Staff to run his office — the other from former Congressman Dick Armey who asks, "Why are Republican leaders governing like Democrats?"
Have a great Sunday, and don’t forget to check the FR Blog for the latest from around the state.
Keep your tips and opinons coming, right here.