As Flashreport readers know the initial response of the CRP to the Kennedy Chief of Staff nomination was that Republicans should "hold their fire." Today the state CRP Board of Directors held an emergency Conference Call to discuss growing grassroots outrage to a partisan Democrat being placed in charge of a Republican Administration. Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman has expressed his displeasure. I’m told they have asked to have a face to face meeting with Governor about the appointment within the next month. Maybe, just maybe, the CRP will speak out for Republicans.
[Publisher’s note: I have spoken with a couple of CRP Board members since the meeting. One of them told me that several board members are debating telling the Governor that they will encourage a withdrawal of the party’s pre-primary endorsement of the Governor is he doesn’t rethink this. This same board member said that even if unsuccessful, the Governor would get a deserved "GOP divided over Governor" bout of bad press no matter what." You have to figure the group will get their audience with the Governor, but what does he SAY to mollify their valid concerns??…developing… – Flash]