Here is a brief roundup of some top stories featured in the FlashReport worthy of a read:
Kudos to the Californian for firing a reporter who falsified an amazing amount of material. Today, the Californian published a front-page story revealing the results of an in-depthy investigation that went back over all of the nearly 100 stories writen by their former employee. Unbelievable, but true.
I often disagree with Schrag – many of his columns end with a call for higher taxes. Hey, this one does, too. But it is worthy of a read. Like me, Schrag ponders how California can afford to pay for an additional $50,000,000,000.00 (that is 50 BILLION) in bonds (let alone the rumored $100 BIL amount). According to Schrag, the payments on the notes alone would more than double California’s current structural deficit.
ADAM SCHIFF – LIBERAL DOUBLE STANDARD?There is an AP story talking about how Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Glendale) has written to the IRS in defense of a local church who’s tax-exempt status is being reviewed by the Internal Revenue Service because of political speechifying at services. Of course, Schiff has written the letter because the sermons are opposing the war in Iraq. Where is Schiff when the sermons are on matters with which he disagrees? The silence is … notable.
THOMAS SOWELL COLUMNSToday in the Golden Pen are two columns by brilliant economist Thomas Sowell. Sowell’s gift is to be able to clearly articulate, in short columns, some amazing stuff on free-market principle.
In the second column, Sowell takes on Barbara Boxer. This is not surprising. She is probably the only member of the United States Senate that uses "free market" as a curse work…
If you don’t get a chance to read anything else, today, I recommend these two columns.
Have a great day.
PS: Like Carla Marinucci in the Chron, John Miller has reviewd Barbara Boxer’s book and is fixated on the sex. Boxer and sex…. Ewwww.