U.S. REP ROHRABACHER – CONSERVATIVE VOICEThe lead item in today’s FlashReport is an exclusive column from Orange County Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. The FlashReport has written a lot lately about the grave economic threat to America by seemingly-unchecked growth in domestic spending in Washington, D.C. (yes, under a Republican President and a Republican Congress). Dana Rohrabacher has been a leader among those conservative members of Congress who believe that the GOP Congress must shrink the size of the bureaucracy, not preside over its growth. With the horrific tragedy of Hurricane Katrina last month, Congress is at a crossroads. Or, as Congressman Rohrabacher puts it, the GOP Congress is going to have to ‘define ourselves’ – the column is a ‘must read’ and you can do that right here.
WARD CONNERLY’S MICHIGAN BATTLEBack in the 1990’s, Ward Connertly, practically singe-handedly, waged a battle against affirmative action programs in California. As a leader on the University of California Board of Regents, and a black man himself, he was passionate in his articulation that government catagorizing individuals on the basis of their race or ethnicity did more harm to those individuals than good. Connerly drafted Proposition 209 to ban such practices, and it was passed here in California. Now Connerly is taking the fight to the state of Michigican, where he has championed an effort there to bring a similar measure to the ballot, which has been successful. The measure will appear November 9 of next year. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this driven Californian’s efforts to take these noble reforms to other states. There is an article on this effort featured on the FlashReport main page today.
$100,000,000,000.00 BOND?? SAY IT ISN’T SO!The Los Angeles Times is carrying a story today saying that Governor Schwarzenegger is talking about rolling out a bond measure for California that would provide as much as ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS for infrastructure development in California (roads, bridges, levees, etc.). Governor Schwarzenegger just finished waging a valiant battle to impress upon the California electorate that we must live within our means. California currently has a structural DEFICIT that already puts us BILLIONS of dollars in the RED each year, right out the starting gate. Already a siginificant percentage of the annual state budget is bond repayments. Sometimes the press is quick to sieze upon something the Governor brings up as an idea and making a big deal out of it. Hopefully that is the case here. We don’t need a ‘new deal’ for California, we need fiscal restraint – and to ‘live within our means’ – as the Governor has said over, and over, and over…
STAR PARKER’S IS RIGHT ON TARGETIn today’s Golden Pen column, Star Parker really nails it. The column is featured on the FR main page and starts like this:
Now, in the state of California, a 15-year-old girl has full and exclusive sovereignty over the production and destruction of life. However, her 40-year-old parents have only limited jurisdiction over the values that this child learns and how she lives her life.
The absurdity speaks for itself.
Aside from the angst that comes from watching the long-term implosion of a society, I have immediate concerns that California’s assault on the traditional family is simultaneously an assault on blacks and the poor."
..read the rest in the Golden Pen..
Last Friday, the lead item in the FlashReport was an insightful exclusive column from senior GOP strategist Ken Khachigan with some advice for Governor Schwarzenegger in the wake of the special election last Tuesday. If you missed it, you can still read it here.
Aloha from Hawaii, as I begin Day 5 here in the paradise of the Big Island. Is it too early for a Lava Flow? Hmmmmm.
P.S. As always, share intel, gossip, news and tips anonymously here.