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Mike Spence

Haynes Reveals Who he Loves the Most

Last time I wrote about the confusion wrought by conflicting press releases, endorsements and dinner invites involving conservative assemblyman Ray Haynes and candidates for the 77th Assembly District. Joel Anderson and Debbie Beyer.

I have heard from both campaigns and from Ray Haynes. Here was Ray’s response:

Debbie Beyer is Jay La Seur’s candidate. He asked for my endorsement.Joel is a great conservative.

I dual-endorsed because I am tired of conservatives eating each other alive, and trying to use the endorsement wars to accomplish that. Both are great conservatives, both should work out who should run. My endorsement shouldn’t determine that outcome.

As for the fundraiser, Debbie didn’t ask me before she used my name, but since I did endorse, I didn’t complain

Good Enough?


I remember back to the 1990’s when Ray was running for office and a prominent conservative leader was recruiting candidates against him because he wasn’t conservative enough. It appears Ray is tired of that and that’s "Good enough" for me. But it sure isn’t as much fun.

Now the question is: Will Jay LaSuer endorse Ray Haynes for BOE like he did for Michelle Steel??