ek by telling school district workers (custodians, cafeteria workers, secretaries, etc) that she plans to hire replacement workers if the union members strike, as they are threatening to do. She intends on asking the school board to approve her replacement worker plan at their meeting this week.
What’s the union’s beef?
The union wants a 4.5 percent raise over the next two years and FREE employee health care, with the district paying 75 percent of dependent care. The district has responded by offering a 4 percent raise and no change to the current health care coverage (free for employees, 80 percent coverage for one dependent and 60 percent for additional dependents).
The district even offered the union a choice: a 2 percent raise, combined with free health care for the employee and one dependent, and 75 percent coverage for other dependents.
School districts all over the state are struggling to stay afloat, yet teachers and other unionized school workers act like there is a never-ending supply of money (of course, with the Dems in charge of the Legislature, there IS no end to money for education, no matter how badly spent it is).
Hats off to Ackerman for being willing to hire new workers if the union actually strikes. It’s not an easy position to take in that city. It will be interesting to see if the school board members will show a little courage tonight and have the union protesters arrested if they refuse to allow the board to meet again. And if they will back Ackerman’s proposal to deal with striking workers. The district has clearly been negotiating in a fair manner. I say, let ’em strike and bring on the replacement workers.