Monday, February 15, 2016
SacBeeTweet: GOP Senate Candidate Sundheim Says GOP Should Confirm Obama SCOTUS Pick
*FR Senior Correspondent Katy Grimes*
CA Agriculture Labor Board Corrupted With Bias and Conflict of Interest
*Obama Hosts Mini-Summit and Golf Trip in California*
WashTimes: Obama works with dictators on Asian trade deal - Washington Times
Royce: Human rights must be paramount concern
- PE: Get to know the 10 nations visiting
- PE: President heads back to golf course on Valentine's Day
- PE: OBAMA VISIT: Golf, presidential homes are link in Inland desert
*National Review Editorial*
NR: Antonin Scalia, R.I.P. — Honor His Legacy as a Foe of Judicial Imperialism
Tax replacement aka increase
California Legislature poised to pass replacement tax on health care plans
Happy George Washington's Birthday
OCReg: George Washington set the standard for presidents - Contra Costa Times editorial: Holiday that garners very little respect
City fights back against Labor Board
CalPensions: San Diego pension-to-401(k) reform goes to court -
You can certainly count on tuition hikes...
SacBee: California public universities consider tuition hikes you can count on
Rain, Rain, Come Again!
Is El Niño a bust? Forecasters hope second half of wet season will bring lots of rain.
Obama locks up more of California's land
LADN: San Bernardino County politicians blast Obama’s national monument designations -
Fire Recovery a long slow process
OCReg: Long road to recovery after devastating Valley Fire in Northern California
The Golden Pen
BOE Member George Runner
SacBee: Invest tax dollars in roads, not public transportation
Kurt Schlichter
TownHall: The GOP Sitcom Just Got Serious -
George Will
NR: A Jurist of Colossal Consequence
Dan Walters
SacBee: Dan Walters: Scalia’s death likely saves teachers union in dues case
John Fund
NR: Could Obama Bypass the Senate with a Supreme Court Recess Appointment?
John Yoo
NR: The Senate Should Refuse to Confirm Any Obama Nominee to Succeed Justice Scalia -
Stephen Moore
OCReg: Raising taxes a badge of honor among Democrats
Orange County Register Editorial
OCReg: Pension funds put activism before investment returns -
Cassie MacDuff
PE: Unrecorded meetings raise suspicions -
Chriss Street
BreitbartCA: Silicon Valley Crash Turning State's Budget from Black to Red
Sacramento Area
SacBee: Property tax increase proposed for Sacramento levee fixes -
Central Valley
TID farmers will hear about 2016 water outlook on Tuesday - FresBee: Downtown Fresno’s crumbling parking garages need $9 million in repairs
Central Coast
Coast Lines, Feb. 14, 2016: Candidate filing opens for June election -
Ventura County
VCStar $: Camarillo to look into rent control at mobile home parks - VCStar $: New CSUCI president will be named in March
Los Angeles County
LAT $: MWD proposes slashing its conservation budget; turf removal rebates could disappear - LAT $: As they wait to go home, Porter Ranch-area residents call for air sample testing and detection measures
San Bernardino County
SBSun: 33K more San Bernardino County students qualifying for free meals -
Orange County
OCReg: In wake of jailhouse informant scandal, finding the next public defender is being watched closely -
San Diego
SDUT: Lawsuit claims 'north of 8' favoritism at ...