Tuesday, December 1, 2015
FRBlog: Trump's comments cross the line
FRBlog: AFL-CIO study of CEO-worker pay is incredibly flawed yet universally accepted by MSM
OCVoice: Fast Times at Rancho Santiago: College District Officials Travel in Luxury on Taxpayers' Dime
SFChron: San Francisco is Needle City
- The Hill:Issa endorses Rubio for president | TheHill
SFChron ($):Leader of states embattled oil agency resigns
- LATimes($): California's top oil regulator quits after 17 months on the job
- BreitbartCA: Students with Fake Guns Hold up 101 Freeway
SFChron ($):Leno seeks to limit solitary confinement for juvenile offenders
- OCReg: 'It's a big year for education in California': Money, clout at stake for state teachers group
SBSun: Is Southern California headed toward another recession? Economists are split
- SacBee($):California to Paris: Take our ideas, send money
Did Prop. 47 cause state crime boost?
- SacBee($):Dan Walters: Top-two primaries could hurt Kamala Harris in Senate race
Californias school construction conundrum
- F&H Daily: Two Terrible Ideas, One Ballot Initiative
SacBee($):Sacramento City Council to consider preliminary terms for soccer stadium
- SFChron ($):S.F. gun thefts from vehicles spike alongside car break-ins
- SJMerc: Sunnyvale: Fast-tracked emergency homeless shelter set to open
FresBee: Fresno City Council declares emergency at apartment complex, takes aim at slumlord owner
- One fault near Diablo Canyon links to another
VCS:Schools follow transgender law with few bumps
- SBSun: LA County Sheriff Jim McDonnell agrees to share records
- LATimes($): Skid row tenants accuse landlord of trying to drive them out of building
- RivPE: WEATHER: Homeless shelters scramble as temps drop
- VOSD: Why San Diego Unified Can Use Bond Money to Build New Schools