Friday, September 27, 2013
Duncan Hunter's Choice for Congress
Is Disagreement a Lost Art?
Taxpayer Burden: Public vs. Private Salaries
SacBee($):Viewpoints: Have Californians prospered since Brown took office?
- F&H Daily: Hoover's Golden State Poll: What California Comeback?
- SacBee($):The Buzz: California GOP gets funds from rare source -- unions
- SFChron: GOP hires Andy Barkett to leap into digital fray
SacBee($):Capitol Alert: Live chat replay: Which bills the governor will sign, veto?
- LATimes($): Gov. Brown OKs bill on overtime pay for nannies, private health aides
- F&H Daily: AB 1229 Will Make Housing More Expensive
- SDUT: Bill aims to give veterans the help they need
- SacBee($):Another View: Bill would not prevent courts from contracting out
- LATimes($): Bill signed by Brown requires court order to shut cell service
- Hrabe:Fireworks Erupt on CA Legislators' Junket to Armenia
VOSD: 5 Things David Alvarez Has Done
- SDUT: Nurses call Alvarez 'breath of fresh air'
- SDUT: LGBT Democrats back Alvarez
- VOSD: Mayoral Candidates Promise to Make Emails, Texts Public
- OCReg: Issa received threats during trip to Libya, Egypt
RollCall: 10 'Poorest' Members of Congress Owe Big : Roll Call News
- OCReg: 'Poorest' members of Congress
- SacBee($):Capitol Alert: Republican George Radanovich weighs California governor run
- SJMerc: Popular Solar Net Metering policy will cost California utilities $1.1 billion a year by 2020
OCReg: Vietnamese Americans more engaged politically
- LATimes($): California getting more of its oil by rail
- SacBee($):Holly J. Mitchell sworn in as 28th Democrat in California Senate
- SacBee($):NSA defender Feinstein bows to growing pressure, says she'll offer bill to limit surveillance programs
The Golden Pen
Reason: The Federal Government's Budget: Basic Facts You Need To Know
- LATimes($): Dr. Seuss goes to Washington
SJMerc: San Francisco: Dodgers fan fatally stabbed in fight with Giants fans
- SFChron: S.F. schools gambit on green guru pays off
- SFChron: Does S.F. want to host the next America's Cup?
- SFChron: Ed Lee to give tips on luring tech at N.Y. conference
- SLO Trib: Supervisors to weigh more Paso groundwater basin changes
- SLO Trib: Effort to recall Morro Bay mayor is underway
- SCS:End in sight for $21 million Highway 1 project
- LATimes($): L.A. Unified reports 71 iPads are missing
- LATimes($): Ex-lobbyist joins councilman's staff and questions follow
- LATimes($): Boxer asks EPA to ensure safety of L.A. neighborhood near oil field
OCReg: Costa Mesa charter committee takes up prevailing wage
- OCVoice: Can Santa Anas Mayor Resurrect Redevelopment?
- OCVoice: Anaheim Council to Strip Mayor of Agenda Power
- CapWkly: Fiscal storm batters new Inland Empire town
- SBSun: We Are San Bernardino: Heres an idea for saving the city secession!
- SBSun: San Bernardino mayoral candidates participate in forum
- SDUT: SD County teachers caught cheating on state tests
- SDUT: Film commission would boost San Diego economy