Tuesday, July 2, 2013
CA 45: Walters Releases Endorsements – Moorlach Is In – New Survey Released
Why I Am Running For Congress
Poll: 45th Congressional Race Up For Grabs
CalWatchdog: NEW: Public 'onslaught' stopped union PLA bid
FRBlog: Fracking survives CA Legislature - for now
LATimes($): BART strike enters Day 2, promising more commuting chaos
- LATimes($): Bay Area traffic grinds to a halt as BART workers strike
- SJMerc: BART strike moves into second day
- SFChron: Commuters jockey in BART strike's 2nd day
- SFChron: Technology helps workers navigate or avoid commute
- SFChron: Talks in limbo as dispute paralyzes commute
- SFChron: BART strike in '97 quelled with Willie Brown's aid
- SFChron: BART says mediators should resolve strike; unions hope for political intervention
- SFChron: BART strike winners, losers
- ModBee: BART strike snarls travels, but backup plan used for Modesto buses
OCReg: Governor signs historic school funding bill
- OakTrib: Gov. Jerry Brown signs bill for education funding
- LATimes($): Jerry Brown signs school funding overhaul
- CCTimes: Gov. Jerry Brown signs bill for education funding
- LATimes($): California budget gets positive report from S&P -- with caveats
CalWatchdog: NEW: Banner decision upholds property rights
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Video: Obamacare shutters CA businesses
CalCap: June Income and Business Taxes $1.5 BillIon Above Estimates
- LATimes($): California sees strong tax revenue in June
NYTimes: Feinstein's Support for N.S.A. Defies Liberal Critics and Repute
- SJMerc: Sweltering heat hammers Bay Area, stressing power grid
LADN: California highways among worst in the nation
OCReg: Dachau liberator Royce honored
- IVDB: Rep. Henry Waxman: California Republicans could be key to House passage of immigration reform
- LATimes($): Calderon family's spending itemized: Golf, retreats, eyelashes
- SacBee($):Subpoena spotlights Southern California water district's projects with Calderon ties
- SacBee($):The Buzz: UC, CSU leaders still back online courses, Jerry Brown says
- SacBee($):California state union contracts expire today
SacBee($):AM Alert: How to build a California water bond
- SacBee($):Data breaches accessed information of 2.5 million Californians
- LATimes($): Millions of Californians lost data last year
- RivPE: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Property tax assessments up 3 percent
- SBSun: State approves plan to save grant for park in San Bernardino
- DesSun:SunLine GM resigns
- DesSun:Riverside County supervisors mull leasing landfills
- RivPE: JURUPA VALLEY: Trustee Mary Burns resigns after 23 years
- RivPE: MEDICAL SCHOOL: Governor's signature final step in funding quest
- VOSD: The Other Developer Donation
- SDUT: Filner-Goldsmith feud ratchets up
- SDUT: $20M hole blown in San Diego's budget
- SDUT: 31 apply for election districts panel
The Golden Pen
OCReg: Weintraub: Long-term risk in Prop. 8 ruling
F&H Daily: The US Supreme Court Didn't Threaten the Initiative Process. But AB 857 Does
OCReg: Editorial: Property rights win at Supreme Court
SacBee($):Dan Walters: Big changes buffeting California
- SacBee($):Dan Walters Daily: 'When the heat wave hits'
Townhall: Thomas Sowell: The Mindset of the Left
Townhall: Michael Barone: In U.K. But Not U.S., Young Voters Turn Against Big Government
- Townhall: What’s the Half-Life of a “Temporary” Tax Increase?
- CPR: Ratepayers Lose $1 Billion, Swindled by LA Department of Water and Power
- NewRep: What Obama Can Learn From California
- CCTimes: Contra Costa Times editorial: Striking BART workers out of touch with financial reality.
- S.F. library spending is twice the average
- CIR: Firm tied to Willie Brown gets political boost for Hunters Point plan
- 24-hour walkout by Oakland city workers
- Oakland taxpayers can't afford raise workers want - San Francisco Chronicle
- FresBee: Reps. Valadao, Costa offer support for immigration reform at Fresno forum
- ModBee: Modesto businessman steps up for Van Groningen MID seat
- BakCal: Democrats take issue with Vidak's paperwork
- BakCal: 'First Look': Bill Thomas makes memorable first appearance
- ModBee: Oakdale Irrigation District to weigh selling water to MID, TID
- ModBee: Modesto council to consider plan B budget cuts
- SLO Trib: Rise in property taxes likely for thousands of SLO County homeowners
- SCS:Desal opponents hammer Santa Cruz officials again
- VCS:Simi Valley's Lee Rogers to run as Democrat for House again in 2014
- VCS:Refurbished Simi Valley Library opens to strong reviews
- LATimes($): U.S. orders $12.5-million payment in race harassment
- LATimes($): Garcetti spends his first day listening, as promised
- LADN: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti opens doors to public on Day One
- LADN: First day at City Hall for 5 new council members, city attorney and city controller
- LADN: L.A. County must pay millions to LAUSD
- OCReg: Did sheriff try to disrupt probe?