Friday, December 23, 2011
Politico: The gaming of the California map
CalWatchdog: ProPublica Ignores Worst Redistricting Lines
CalWatchdog: More Proof Dems Manipulated Redistricting
- SacBee: California Democrats didn't cheat on redistricting, but they played politics well
- SFChron: CA redistricting commissioner: Dem manipulation charges 'dead wrong'
SJMerc: State high-speed rail vows to show real job figures
- SDUT: Bullet train jobs over-promised by as much as fiftyfold
- CalWatch: State seismic regulators destroy electronic records
- SBSun: Tea Party rallies against 'Dream Act'
- LAT: 9th Circuit panel rejects suit filed by 'birthers' against Obama
- OCReg: Another loss for Obama birthplace challenge
- SFChron: Rural residents protest new fire fee
- CCTimes: Retiring Calif. officers want to keep assault guns
- RS: Interview: Ricky Gill (R CAND, CA-09 PRI)
- SanGabTrib:Reports: County litigation costs up 14 percent for the year
- SanGabTrib:$2 million in federal funding made available for repairs to Montebello freeway bridge
- LADN: HUD launches investigation of L.A housing authority
- LAT: Answers sought in legality of Station fire phone recordings
- LAT: Bell mayor may run for Assembly
- OCReg: Los Alamitos council majority seeks Brown Act investigation
- OCReg:Brea council gives back raise
- RivPE: SENATE: Democrats may have a candidate in SD-31
- RivPE: SAN BERNARDINO: Deputy charged with sex crimes pleads not guilty
- IVDB: Former Upland mayor files claim against city seeking defense in civil complaint
- IVDB: Montclair council votes to continue retirement contribution by firefighters
- IVDB: State Supreme Court denies Chino Hills petition to review power line project
- IVDB: Diamond Bar preparing for new City Hall
- IVDB: Board majority forces issue with union
- DesSun:Water reservoir put into operation
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE: Tents aren't selling illegal fireworks, city says
- RivPE: LAKE ELSINORE: School district responds to state inquiry
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Policing realignment calls for street smarts
- RivPE: CORONA: New alcohol-tasting ordinance on hold
- SDUT: Only 1 in 5 Occupy SD arrestees arraigned
- College changes contracting methods to foil impropriety
The Golden Pen
CalWatchdog: The Grinch that Stole CA's Christmas
- IBD: 5 Myths About Obama's Economic Recovery
- LAT: Demonizing Wal-Mart
Calwhine: Oy vey, enough with the birther junk - just use Obama's record
- Calwhine: Coverage of tea party, Occupy: Media bias has never been so stinking obvious
- Calwhine: Brown defends bullet train lies - after train agency apologizes
NatlRev: The GOP's Payroll Tax Debacle
- WSJ: No Church This Sunday's Christmas
WSJ: Holder's Voter ID Fraud
- WSJ: A Payroll Tax Deal
- NatlRev: Yes, Virginia, There Really Is Voter Fraud
- Townhall: A Black Market For Cheetos Forms in LA Schools
- WSJ: The GOP's Challenge w/Independents
OCReg: Editorial: Consumers lose in blocked cellphone merger
- OCReg: Editorial: Even profitable firms fleeing California
- RCP:Sebelius' Health Care Muddle
- BigGov't :Las Vegas Teachers' Union May Force 1,000 Layoffs to Preserve Its Profitable Insurance Company
- NatlRev: Scrooge: The First 1 Percenter
- RivPE: STATE: Capitol plunder
- IBD: Obama's Costly Keystone Delay
OCReg: Is history a full-time job in Capo?
- SacBee: Jury awards Southern California firm $30 million over slots deal with Red Hawk Casino
- SacBee: Nonunion competition weighs on contract talks for area grocery chains
- SJMerc: Candlestick outages detailed; fixes set before playoffs
- SFChron: Changes beginning to ensure power at Candlestick
- SFChron: Occupy Berkeley camp cleared by police
- SFChron: Mayor Jean Quan adrift on securing Port of Oakland
- SJMerc: Former employee charged with embezzling more than $100,000 from Los Gatos convent
- FresBee: Survey shows delta smelt population growing
- ModBee: Modesto housing program gets $465k from Feds
- ModBee: MID board could discuss San Francisco water sale Jan. 10
- VCS:Oxnard Harbor District hires new executive director