Wednesday, September 14, 2011
- CA Redistricting Comm. Michael Ward<br \>Speaks To Orange County Lincoln Club
SFChron: GOP wins N.Y. race, seen as Obama rebuke
- RCP: GOP Scores Major Upset in NY-9
- NYTimes: G.O.P. Gains House Seat Vacated by Weiner
- Townhall: EARTHQUAKE: Republicans Sweep Special Elections in NYC & Nevada, Obama Dealt Historic Rebuke
- WashTimes: GOP wins House seats in New York, Nevada
- WashPost: Republican scores upset in N.Y. House race
- Politico: Twin defeats spark Democratic fears
- The Hill:Republicans win Weiner's seat
- HumEvnts:Bob Turner Wins NY-9 Seat for GOP
- Politico: GOP breaks special-election curse
- NYTimes: Republican Wins in Nev. House Special Election
- LAT: Bob Turner, GOP wins in N.Y. Democratic stronghold
FRBlog: The President's Speech
SFChron: Field Poll: Obama approval rating at 46% in state
- RivPE: FIELD POLL: Obama's approval rating in California dives
- SFChron: Poll: Obama approval plunges in Calif.
- NtlJrnl: Obama's Approval Rating Plummets in California
- SacBee: Field Poll: Californians sour on Obama
SFChron: Obama fundraisers: star power, marketing prowess
- OakTrib: $7,500 for a picture, $35,800 for dinner: Obama set for two Bay Area fundraisers in September
FresBee: Denham says this is a good time for President Obama to visit the San Joaquin Valley
- WashPost: White House pressed on $500M loan to solar company now under investigation
- NatlRev: DOE Announces $1.2 Billion Loan to Solar Firm
- ABCNews: Emails: Obama White House Monitored Huge Loan to 'Connected' Firm
- CalWatch: Were early warnings about now-bankrupt Solyndra ignored?
- NatlRev: Solyndra in the Spotlight
- NatlRev: WH Pressured OMB on Solyndra Decision
- Politico: Solyndra represents stimulus failure
- CCTimes: Solyndra's bankruptcy puts Department of Energy in the hot seat
- SacBee: The Buzz: CalChamber wins big on 'job killer' bills
- CCT Political Blotter: CD9: Let the endorsement battle begin
- SDUT: Chavez vying for north coastal Assembly seat
- LAT: More candidates choose races in post-redistricting scramble
- DesSun:Vargas set on nixing board
- SacBee:Ex-lawmaker stepping down from six-figure commission post
- SDUT: Vargas, Ducheny poised for hard-edged campaign
SFChron: Gov. Jerry Brown's concerns on energy, transit
- SacBee: Brown looks to utilities panel to continue clean-energy projects
- SacBee:Jerry Brown calls for 'war on unemployment'
- SBSun: Brown calls for 'war on unemployment'
- CCT Political Blotter: Four Cabinet members in Bay Area this week
- CCT Political Blotter: LaHood, in Oakland, says FAA needs long-term bill
SDUT: Advocacy group files Issa ethics complaint
- LAT: California approves pay-as-you-drive 'green' insurance program
CalWatchdog: NEW: CalPERS Misleads Members on 20.7% Gain
- WSJ: Democratic Party Rocked by Fraud Case
- NYTimes: A "Go To" Accountant Is Accused of Fraud
- CalWatchdog: NEW: DiFi's Campaign Fund "Wiped Out"
- OCReg: Durkee clients may struggle to replace funds
- LAT: Feinstein says campaign may be 'wiped out' by Durkee
- OCReg: Irvine mayor, a Durkee client, missing funds
- CCTimes: Cease activities, California orders firm implicated in looting of politicians' funds
- OCReg: State regulator takes action against Durkee's firm
- SacBee: California's poverty rate highest in more than a decade
VCS:Beach lovers horrified to see dunes bulldozed in Pierpont area of Ventura
- FresBee: Teamsters balk at company's move to Visalia
- SBSun: Derry wants to screen illegal immigrants from food service industry
- RivPE: S.B. COUNTY: Immigration check proposed for food workers
- RivPE: SAN BERNARDINO: Mayor says study supports booze crackdown
- RivPE: AIRPORT: Agency may seek law firm to review settlement
- IVDB: Mendenhall to be Upland police chief after Adams' retirement becomes official
- SBSun: Grand Terrace agrees to pay off $2.3 million debt over 10 years
- RivPE: Riverside Co. 2011-2012 budget OK'd with $80 billion gap
- DesSun:Riverside County supervisors weigh $80 million deficit
- DesSun:Riverside County eyes future layoffs
- DesSun:Report: County's revenue slightly higher
- RivPE: Temecula City manager will make $215,000
- DesSun:Finerty agrees to $2,500 fine for campaign law infraction
- DesSun:Desert Water Agency candidates speak out
- DesSun:Indio council discovers back rent reversal
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Supervisors back desert protection bill
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE: School board candidates clash at forum
- NCTimes: REGION: County adopts federal program to verify new employee's legal status
- SDUT: Unions, DeMaio continue tough talk over initiative
- SDUT: Hueso agrees to fine over money for brother's campaign
- SDUT: County passes limits on rooster ownership
- NCTimes: VALLEY CENTER: Eleven applicants seek appointment to Valley Center school board
The Golden Pen
F&HDaily: Another Interesting Twist with SB 202
F&HDaily: The Legislature breaks its word, most cravenly
- NCTimes: EDITORIAL: Meet the boss
SacBee: California Legislature enshrines sneakiness
- USAToday: USA Today Editors: Solyndra shows why the government shouldn't try to pick winners and losers.
Fox&Hounds: Dispatches from the Road
FRBlog: Stop Whining and Get to Work
WSJ: The 2013 Tax Cliff
OCReg: Editorial: Sampler plate from Sacramento sausage factory
- CCTimes: Contra Costa Times editorial/slideshow: Four bills need Gov. Brown's veto
- FresBee: EDITORIAL: Stakes too high to let jail's early release go on
Fox&Hounds: Attention Candidates! Legal Reform Aisle 5
- Fox&Hounds: Green Chemistry too important to leave consumers out of the planning
- RivPE: Airport probe? Yes
- SacBee:Mayor Johnson expected to launch re-election bid Wednesday
- SacBee: City officials to dissect arena funding options
- SacBee:Mayor: 'Sacramento is a baseball town,' could support A's
- SacBee: New Sacramento chamber CEO quits before starting work
- SacBee: Favored Yolo redistricting plan splits supervisors, draws ire of Winters
- SacBee: El Dorado judge James Wagoner admonished by judicial commission
- SacBee: Sacramento State professor accused in sex harassment case quits
- SacBee: Youth sports clubs cry foul over fee hike to use Sacramento school fields
- SacBee: Calif. school board hopeful admits to abductions
- SJMerc: Fairfield school board hopeful admits to kidnapping children
- CCTimes: San Francisco court upholds removal of `In God We Trust' banner from classroom
- SFChron: S.F. D.A. contenders slam rival Gascón
- SFChron: MTA to give Chinatown group $8 mil
- SFChron: Unclogging of Market St.
- SFChron: Dennis Herrera proposes SF office of innovation
- SFChron: The candidates take a ride on Muni
- CCTimes: Contra Costa workers take pay, benefit cuts
- OakTrib: Alameda County court cuts result in long commutes, less service
- OakTrib: Alameda: School district wins victory in tax lawsuit
- CCTimes: Richmond council wants sewage plant operator to clean up its act
- SFChron: East Bay ferries to install Clipper card readers
- CCTimes: Mt. Diablo board conditionally approves high school charter
- SFChron: Albany schools pool fundraising for academic extras
- CCTimes: San Jose council spurns marijuana activists, votes to limit pot clubs to 10
- SJMerc: San Jose public works director named
- SJMerc: San Jose settles libel suit stemming from 2002 email
- FresBee: Fresno Co. supes OK plan to jail low-level felons
- FresBee: Valley crop values rebound with double-digit gains
- ModBee: Stanislaus leaders seeking special ed fix
- BakCal: Supervisor Watson won't run for re-election
- SCS:Bagging the bag: County supervisors vote to ban plastic, charge for paper
- SLO Trib: Supervisors seek quick fixes for flood problems
- SCS:Watsonville City Council rejects redistricting committee's recommendations, goes with attorney's choice
- SCS:Santa Cruz City Council tightens regulations on surfing schools: Year-round permits for Cowell's will max out at four
- VCS:Oxnard, county pledge $50,000 each to save McGrath park
- VCS:Retirees who lost supplement may get a lifeline
VCS:Former Soviet prisoner says Reagan played unique role in Russian transformation
- LAT: Los Angeles councilman backs more aggressive sewer fee hikes
- LAT: L.A. Unified renews dental insurance deal with MetLife
- SanGabTrib:Caltrans finalizes audit of SGVCOG, reduces scope of grant repayment to $89,262
- LADN: L.A. council rejects reviving red-light-camera program
- LADN: L.A. Council committee delays vote on sanitation-rate hikes
- SanGabTrib:Three years' probation for former Monterey Park councilwoman implicated in forgery
- OCReg: County hires lawyers to go after $48 million
- OCReg: Aliso Viejo accused of open-meeting law violation
- OCReg: Water workers get pensions and 401K