Thursday, September 8, 2011
WklyStand: Perry and Romney Spar Over Social Security and Job Creation
- SacBee:Mitt Romney and Rick Perry spar on Social Security
- VCS:GOP presidential candidates turn on each other at Reagan Library debate
- Townhall: GOP Debate: Winners and Losers
- Politico: Perry under fire in debate debut
- VCS:Paul supporters, progressives demonstrate outside GOP debate
- SFChron: GOP candidates turn Perry into a 'pinata'
- SacBee: Social Security, jobs draw sparks in GOP presidential debate
- DesSun:Romney, Perry spar on jobs in GOP presidential debate
- LAT: Romney, Perry square off in Reagan Library
- VCS: Seen and heard inside the hall at Reagan Library debate
- HumEvnts:Reagan Debate Kicks Off Fall Campaign Season
- VCS:Second debate breaks out in spin room over who won
- NYTimes: Romney and Perry Clash, Drawing Lines in G.O.P. Sand
- BakCal: Candidates mix it up in presidential debate
- Politico: Mitt, Perry bet big on GOP direction
- HumEvnts:The Reagan Library Debate
- WashPost: Perry, Romney clash on jobs, Social Security
- The Hill:Fireworks between Perry and Romney erupt early in debate
- OCReg: GOP debate: Perry fends off attacks
- SanGabTrib:Perry, Romney square off during GOP debate at Reagan Library
- LADN: GOP debate features first appearance for Rick Perry
- HumEvnts:Perry Good Enough In Debate Debut
- WashTimes: In wide field, it's Romney vs. Perry
- AmerSpec: The Piñata at the Party
- Politico: The GOP debate: Eight takeaways
- NatlRev: At Reagan's House
- FRVideo: Ray Sullivan from Perry Campaign
- FRVideo: Stuart Stevens - Romney Campaign
- FRVideo: Tom Tate, Ron Paul Campaign
- SFChron: Reagan Presidential Debate Drinking Game: Hoist one for the Gipper!
- SFChron: Romney attack strategy: Rick Perry wants to "abolish" Social Security (VIDEO)
- SFChron: Team Perry declares victory, Bachmann's ex (strategist) says she's still in the game (VIDEO)
- HumEvnts:The Top 5 Loaded Questions in the Reagan Library Debate
- Politico: Perry repeats 'Ponzi scheme' charge
- Townhall: If Ron Paul Was President, U.S. Troops Wouldn't Have Air Conditioning
- Politico: Videos of candidate responses
- Townhall: Rick Perry Proud Of 234 Executions--Brian Williams Shocked
Townhall: Best One-Liners from GOP Debate (81)
- Townhall: Miss the Debate? Read Townhall/HotAir Real-Time Updates
- Townhall: GOP Debate: Perry vs. Romney
- SFChron: Winners, losers and notable lines in GOP debate
- Townhall: You're Fired: Romney Says He Wouldn't Keep Bernanke
- SFChron: Decoding Michele Bachmann's numerology at GOP debate
- Politico: Debate jabs spark flurry of tweets
- Politico: Perry gets bitten, bites back
- SacBee:Bachmann attacks Obama as GOP debate continues
- SacBee:Newt Gingrich blasts media, dodges question in GOP debate
VCS:Perry rallies at airport
- SDUT: Texas Gov. Perry stumps in San Diego
Gov. Jerry Brown Torpedoes 'Paid Political Signature Gatherer' Badges
- CalWatchdog: NEW: 'Kill Wal-Mart' Bill Awaits Brown Action
- SDUT: Brown vetoes limits on military funeral protests, higher cell phone fines
- SacBee: Fines for cellphone use, texting won't ratchet up
- CCT Political Blotter: Brown vetoes bill to beef up hands-free law
- CapWkly: Taxes, toxics, ballot shift, circumcision, Palin, fins, and more
- NCTimes: REGION: Governor vetoes hands-free fine increase
- LAT: Smoking in apartments can be restricted under new state law
- CCT Political Blotter: Brown squashes DeSaulnier's initiative reform bill
- SacBee: Brown cites court, vetoes curbs on funeral protests
- SFChron: Gov. Brown vetoes ski helmet, phone fine bills
CalWatchdog: NEW: Don' Tell Mom the Babysitter's Regulated
- RivPE: Library outsourcing bill leaves out Riverside County, backer says
- RivPE: Senate passes casino-mitigation bill
- LAT: California legislators move to outlaw inmate cellphones
- LAT: Last-minute bill to protect lawmakers from charges of living outside their districts
- SacBee:California push to change candidate residency laws scrapped
- SacBee: Steinberg pushes bill to require insurance coverage for autism
OCReg: Assembly approves AEG football stadium bill
- SDUT: Assembly approves L.A. stadium bill
- SanGabTrib:Assembly passes bill to fast track construction of a downtown NFL stadium
- LAT: Steinberg backs exemption for L.A. stadium proposal
LAT: Deal lets Amazon delay collecting sales taxes
- SFChron: BREAKING: New agreement in Amazon tax dispute
- CCTimes: cuts California sales tax deal in stunning turnabout
- CCTimes: California lawmakers inch toward more openness in their daily schedules
- SJMerc: New lawmaker bucks rules, releases meeting records
- SacBee:California treasurer not thrilled with last-minute budget bill
CapWkly: Political fallout of UC's decisions raise Capitol eyebrows
HumEvnts:Contract Dispute Grounds Firefighting Planes
- CapWkly: Compound drugs fuel dispute between docs, insurers, labor
SFChron: Breaking! John Burton, 78, to run for another term as CA Dem party chair
- CalWatch: State agency looks at plastic industry influence in textbook
- SacBee: Labor-unfriendly measures aim for 2012 ballot
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Study Discredits Global Warming, AB 32
- RivPE: ELECTIONS 2012: McLeod officially in 35th Congressional District
- DesSun:Poll: GOP more conservative than forebears
LAT: Bulk of high-speed rail costs could fall to state
- SacBee: The Buzz: Brad Sherman pitching Cruz Bustamante for Indian ambassador slot
- SDUT: Ban on labor-friendly contracts targeted for ballot
- SDUT: Top county pensions released, topping out at $240,000
- VOSD: Council President Open to Competing Pension Plan
- SDUT: Westfield UTC kicks off $1b renovation project
- SDUT: Young keeps idea for new City Hall alive
- SDUT: Fee hike for Chula Vista ambulance services proposed
- SDUT: Commission drops Flower Hill mall dispute
- SDUT: Southwestern College considering labor pact for future bond construction
The Golden Pen
AmerSpec: When Gold Turns to Dross - SacBee: Editorial: Baby sitter bill deserves some adult supervision
- Mullings: The Reagan Library Debate
- NatlRev: The GOP Onstage
OCReg: Editorial: Perry good enough in debate debut
- NatlRev: Perry Leads
- NatlRev: A Nice, Sharp Debate
- RS: Perry vs. Romney
HumEvnts:Perry the Purist
- HumEvnts:GOP Candidates Debate Social Security
- BigJrn: MSNBC Debate Recap: Watching the Watchdogs
- NatlRev: Needed: Strong Frontrunner
OCReg: Jon Coupal: Capitol behavior worse than usual
- CapWkly: Opinion: The enviros' misinformation campaign led to unnecessary regulations
- CapWkly: Opinion: Storm water regulations would send jobs, growth down the drain
- CapWkly: Opinion: AB 350: A job-killer for California
CalWatchdog: NEW: Reflections On Newspaper Bias
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Does California Need More Laws?
- SacBee: Marcos Breton: Sacramento arena plan calls on all parties to pay up
- LADN: Daily News Editorial: If CEQA changes are good for one developer, then why not for all?
- Fox&Hounds: Saving State Parks and Creating a New Way for Government
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Gov. Jerry's Regulation Obsession
- SanGabTrib:Our View: Give state parks to the volunteers
- OCReg: End of the session: A graphic novel
- RivPE: Union bias
- NCTimes: EDITORIAL: Court should recognize voters' rights
- SDUT: Legislature's rhetoric on jobs is empty
- CapWkly: Jim Nielsen obtains restraining order against constituent
- SFChron: Shasta drops high school nonsports drug testing
- SacBee: Sacramento County finds $23 million to cushion its budget
- SacBee: Four blocks of K Street on path to return of automobiles
- SacBee: Woodland to consider water rake hike after Davis OKs plan
- SacBee: Twin Rivers school district rebuffs grand jury's recommendations
- SacBee: Bill to expedite environmental reviews could help Sacramento arena project
- LAT: Public nudity pushes boundaries in San Francisco
- SFChron: Proposed rules should address problem of nudity
- SFChron: S.F. police open probe into iPhone5 flap
- SFChron: Restaurant packed, staff walks out
- CCTimes: West Contra Costa school district to retire old state loan, keep two campuses open
- CCTimes: County to pay $11.7 million to Clayton family for Marsh Creek Road fatality
- SJMerc: Palo Alto firefighters union fans flames of ballot fight
- SJMerc: San Jose council keeps labor concession talks closed
- SJMerc: Little change in sight for new San Mateo County supervisorial districts
- SJMerc: After stumbling into pot club, Pacifica officials weigh response
- BakCal: State oil supervisor misses meetings of industry, regulators
- FresBee: Fresno Unified rehires tenured teachers
- FresBee: Walmart gives $100k to Fresno homeless effort
- ModBee: Valley air still pushing limits
- LADN: LAFD veteran tapped as new fire chief
- SanGabTrib:El Monte ends fiscal year with projected budget surplus
- SanGabTrib:Monrovia seeks redevelopment exemption
- SanGabTrib:Duarte officials won't face misuse of public fund charges regarding Azusa mining project
- OCReg: $46 million system won't spit out revised tax bill
- OCReg: Former VP Cheney appears at Nixon Library
- OCReg: 'Sick' of trash, San Juan eyes own highway cleanup
- RivPE: SAN BERNARDINO: Construction projects improving education
- SBSun: Quake safety retrofitting could cost $30 million for San Bernardino City Hall
- SBSun: Fire and city officials monitor aging equipment
- SBSun: Supervisors declare local emergency to draw federal funds
- RivPE: State joins warehouse battle
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE: Police chief's job extends to the streets
- RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Nearly $500k lawsuit settlement
- DesSun:Airport exec brings fresh ideas
- DesSun:Palm Springs approves financial agreement for Desert Fashion Plaza
- LAKE ELSINORE: Energy, social media on board agenda
- RivPE: JURUPA VALLEY: City declares war on pot dispensaries
- MURRIETA: School board to hear solar plan Thursday