Tuesday, July 19, 2011
SDUT: Why I support the Comprehensive Pension Reform plan
- SacBee:California redevelopment agencies sue to block budget plan
- SFChron: Redevelopment supporters file lawsuit to prevent elimination of program
- CCT Political Blotter: Redevelopment advocates fight back
- SJMerc: San Jose, Union City sue state over laws that kill redevelopment agencies
- ModBee: Stanislaus leaders join fight to block redevelopment bill
- SanGabTrib:Cities prepare to pay to keep redevelopment agencies while hoping for courts to overturn their elimination
- SDUT: Cities sue state over redevelopment
- CapWkly: Redevelopment agencies take fight to state Supreme Court
SacBee:Amazon.com can move forward on tax referendum
- LAT: For Amazon, stakes are high in sales tax fight
- SLO Trib: Calif. AG OKs Internet sales tax ballot language
- RivPE: GOP wary as final remap plan takes shape
- NYTimes: California: Huge Cuts for Court
- SFChron: S.F. courts warn of budget disaster, huge delays
- BayCitizen: Massive Cut to Court Budget Stalls Most Civil Cases
HealthyCal: Bill would regulate body art shops
- CCTimes: MADD upset with pending California bill
- VCS:New state fire-prevention fee raises unanswered questions
- LAT: Lawmakers seek limits on university executive pay
- CalPensions:CalSTRS wants (no) change in anti-spiking bill
- SacBee: CalPERS, CalSTRS report big gains in investment returns
- OCReg: Public pensions hit investment jackpot
- SacBee: The Buzz: State Bar looks at refunding $10 to lawyers
- CalWatch: State board gives parents more control over schools
- CalWatch: Cuts to voter services could cause 'widespread confusion,' secretary of state says
- LAT: Prisoners' hunger strike in its third week
- SacBee:Pringle quits California High-Speed Rail Authority board
- OakTrib: Face of $43 billion Golden State bullet train project resigns
- OCVoice: Pringle Resigns From High-Speed Rail Board
- OCReg: Pringle quits high-speed rail board
- OCVoice: Senator: High-Speed Rail at Political Crossroads
- Politico: Maxine Waters calls for case to be dismissed
- SacBee: New campaign groups target incumbent members of Congress
- IVDB: New pollution rules in the air
- RivPE: Inland incumbents post big fundraising totals
- NCTimes: Congressional reps haul in campaign cash
- DesSun:Proposal: Palm Springs to pay $43M in mall project
- RivPE: San Bernardino: City Council passes social-host ordinance
- NCTimes: Temecula: 'Dueling experts' at fourth quarry hearing
- VOSD: Filner Shifts Cash to Mayoral Campaign
- VOSD: Fact Check TV: Horn's Huckster Story
- SDUT: Pension CEO gave chairman "last chance"
The Golden Pen
FresBee: We can't keep our promises
SacBee: Will California remap give Democrats two-thirds majorities?
- RedCounty: AB 114: A Gang Mugging of California's Schools and Taxpayers
RedCounty: Parents Struggle as More Children Remain Trapped in Failing Public Schools
F&HDaily: June 2012 spending cap measure will stop budget gimmicks
- CalCap: There's At Least One Thing Gov. Brown and Former Gov. Schwarzenegger Agree On
OCReg: Amateurs replace gerrymandering pros
F&HDaily: What the GOP Needs to Get for Giving Up Two-Thirds
- SacBee: Viewpoints: Here's a path to help county retool its parks
- SacBee: Cuts force Sac Metro Fire District to sideline an engine for six months
- SacBee: State Fair booth volunteers answer questions on Islam
- SacBee: Elk Grove scrambles to place 445 rehired teachers in classrooms
- SacBee: Sacramento County supervisors to consider ways to maintain American River Parkway
CBS: About The Bay: San Francisco Republicans Unite
- CalWatchdog: Ranked Choice Vote Favors Asian SF Mayor
- SFChron: Group sues over Treasure Island development
- SFChron: Latest report: Obama's REALLY big donors come from CA, Bay Area
- OakTrib: Hearing officer recommends Kaiser union vote be overturned
- OakTrib: Tauscher to speak in Lafayette on U.S. nuclear arms policy
- CCT Political Blotter: Alameda Vice Mayor announces Assembly run
- CCT Political Blotter: House members sound off on Obama's nominee
- SJMerc: Cisco to eliminate 6,500 jobs
- ModBee: CSUS to lay off 8 workers
- FresBee: Clovis OK's new water bank in $5.5m agreement
- FresBee: Taxes on Fresno Co. farms to increase
- FresBee: Fresno pension critics reverse their position
- BakCal: Consumer group criticizes smart meter study
- BakCal: BCSD seeks superintendent to 'walk on water'
- BakCal: McCarthy among California GOP supporting worker verification
- VCS:Scholarships given in Reagan's honor
- LADN: Mayor Villaraigosa loses senior press secretary
- LAT: Deputy-fraud allegations spike within Sheriff's Department
- LAT: Court revives L.A. law protecting grocery workers
- LAT: EPA is sued over smog in Los Angeles Basin
- LAT: 'Carmageddon' spurs idea of using cars less
- LAT: Councilman turned actor is L.A.'s primetime mayor
- LAT: 'Carmageddon's' good karma
- OCReg: Judge halts Costa Mesa layoffs until trial
- OCVoice: Agreement Near on Dispute Over School Construction in Irvine
- OCReg: Which city had top-paid HR executive?
- OCReg: Court throws out ex-Treasurer Chriss Street's $40 million suit