Tuesday, May 17, 2011
SacBee: Jerry Brown recasts tax push, targeting California's 'wall of debt'
- SacBee: California state workforce cuts would hit prisons the hardest
- SacBee:Rapid Response Roundup: Brown's May budget revision
- SacBee:Brown, Steinberg differ on how soon election should come
- SacBee:Video: Senators differ in critiques of revised budget plan
- OakTrib: Brown proposes revised budget
- CCT Political Blotter: The buzz on Jerry Brown's May budget revision
- SJMerc: Brown says tax extensions still needed to fix California's budget deficit
- SJMerc: Questions? Here's what you need to know to get caught up on Sacramento's latest budget battle
- FresBee: Valley officials react to Governor's budget plan
- SLO Trib: Revised state budget has good news for schools; other questions remain
- VCS:Brown's new budget plan seeks tax extensions, boost in school funding
- LAT: Revised California budget includes $6.6-billion windfall
- SanGabTrib:Governor revises budget
- OCReg: Brown must persuade GOP to extend taxes
- RivPE: Governor: Budget picture improves, but taxes still necessary
- DesSun:Windfall eases California budget woes
- NCTimes: Brown pursues taxes despite windfall
- VOSD: Redevelopment Still Marked For Death
- CapWkly: Tax receipts brighten Brown's rewritten budget, schools benefit
- HealthyCal: Brown sticks to tax plan in new budget
- CalCap: Governor's Revised Budget Increases Spending on Public Schools
- WSJ: Brown Trims Proposed Tax Increase for Californians
- NYTimes: Jump in Revenue Helps Halve California Deficit
LAT: Arnold had child with staffer
- SacBee: Schwarzenegger reveals he had child with staffer
- OakTrib: Schwarzenegger admits to fathering child with household staff member
- SJMerc: Schwarzenegger admits to fathering child with household staff member
- SCS:Schwarzenegger reveals he had child with staffer
- SLO Trib: Schwarzenegger reveals he had child with staffer
- The Hill:Schwarzenegger fathered child with member of household staff
- WashPost: Schwarzenegger admits fathering child with household staffer
- Politico: Arnold had child with employee
- State Boards: An Outpost for Termed-Out Lawmakers and Political Aides
- CalWatch: Brown cuts sea urchin committee, with no apparent savings
- CalWatchdog: SEIU Tax-Increase Ads Blanket State
- SFChron: Legislature OKs six state worker contracts
- SacBee: Jerry Brown signs six labor deals for 60,000 state workers
SFChron: Assembly approves bill making it easier for farmworkers to organize -- but will Gov. Jerry Brown sign?
- SacBee:United Farm Workers 'card check' legislation clears Assembly
- LAT: Legislature sends farmworker measure to Gov. Brown
- CCT Political Blotter: Red-light camera regulation bill moves forward
- CCT Political Blotter: Assembly passes bill to ban "open carry"
- RivPE: Jeffries not giving up on parks bill
- LAT: Hahn, Bowen go negative in closing days of race to succeed Jane Harman
- OCReg: State workers got huge unused vacation payouts
SFChron: Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom: CA still has no clear economic plan to "get back in the jobs game"
SacBee: CalPERS severing investment ties with Iran, Sudan
- LAT: Counties may be forced to reveal workers' pension payments
RivPE: Issa escalates attack on draft executive order
- Issa: Obama Drafts Executive Order to Bypass Congress, Exempts Unions
- NYTimes: Texas: State Poised to Require Photo ID From Voters
The Hill:Romney: I won't cut defense budget
- Politico: Mitt's money machine cranks up
- The Hill:Romney: One-day money haul brings in over $10 million
- SFChron: CA reacts to Trump's withdrawal from 2012 race: Damn, there goes the "We Shall Overcomb" tee shirts!
The Golden Pen
OCReg: Brown's plan undermines plea for tax hikes
CalWatchdog: May Revise Blows $6.6 B Tax Windfall
LAT: Let us deport the bad guys
FresBee: Save education, set priorities
- F&HDaily: Steinberg's SB 653 Local Tax Measure Runs afoul of Serrano Court Decisions
CalWatchdog: Illegals Could Enjoy In-State Tuition
SacBee: Brown's new tax pitch aims at debt
- SDUT: The big "ifs" Brown must answer
SFChron: John Ensign disgraced himself and the Senate
- SFChron: PG&E under-spent on pipeline replacement program
- CCT Political Blotter: East Bay prosecutor to roll out SF D.A. campaign
- CCTimes: Contra Costa Fire District receives $6.5 million grant
- CCT Political Blotter: NRCC also to make robocalls against McNerney
- SFChron: Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner's budget solution: Tax the richest Californians
- OakTrib: East Bay lawmaker renews call for tax hike on state's richest
- SLO Trib: Court nixes SLO union's request
- SCS:Retiring fire chief has $300K in unused sick pay
- FresBee: Raising Fresno park fees sharply opposed
- FresBee: Budget planning pays off for Clovis
- FresBee: Nunes pushes bill to boost water to Valley farms
- BakCal: Luncheon showcases local support for bullet train project
- VCS: Board agrees to release names of county pensioners drawing more than $100,000
- LADN: The FlyAway to LAX $4.6M deficit
OCVoice: Another Questionable Business Relationship for Santa Ana Mayor
- OCReg: No big cuts in county $5.6 billion budget
- OCReg: Schools urged not to rescind pink slips
- OCReg: Rep. Sanchez unveils bill to allow women in combat
- OCVoice: Costa Mesa Employees File Suit to Stop Layoffs
- IVDB: Director downplays ONT talk
- RivPE: Public Health Department proposes cuts to save $1.3 million
- RivPE: Supervisors question union's open negotiating policy
- VOSD: How San Diego's Police Scandal Compares
- NCTimes: VISTA: Teachers union president arrested
- SDUT: Chula Vista mayoral pay stands out