Saturday, April 9, 2011
Governor Brown's Dog and Pony Show Loses Its Bark
Governor brings his "dog and pony" show to Riverside and is greeted by a dog and pony.
CalWatchdog: Brown's Magical Mystery Tax Tour
- SacBee: Brown's Countdown, Day 90: Governor travels to GOP turf to pitch tax plan
- SJMerc: Brown takes pitch for tax vote to Republican stronghold
- LAT: Brown's tax push on GOP turf starts in Riverside
- RivPE: Gov. Brown pushes his finance plan
- RivPE: Arlanza fourth-graders meet Gov. Brown
- IVDB: Gov. Brown brings budget case to Inland Empire
SDCityBeat: *'The Untold Story of Duke Cunningham'
- SFChron: Brown says he may not wait for voters on taxes
- SacBee:Capitol Alert: Jerry Brown mulling tax extension before public vote
- LAT: California officials headed to Ireland for study trip
- SFChron: Newsom joins GOP on fact-finding trip to Texas
- SacBee:State saw surprise March boost in income tax revenues
- CCTimes: Tickets for distracted driving soar
- IVDB: More than 800 "distracted drivers" - mostly teens - cited in Inland Empire traffic sweeps
- SacBee: California legislators can't carry guns in the Capitol, for now
- SacBee: The CalPERS comeback
- LAT: Arnold Schwarzenegger is looking for some action
- Politico: Priebus to cut RNC debt below $5M
- LAT: Last-minute deal averts government shutdown
- SJMerc: 11th-hour deal averts U.S. government shutdown
- SacBee: Budget deal prevents federal shutdown
- NYTimes: Deal to Cut $38 Billion Averts Government Shutdown
- NatlRev: Boehner Wins Big
- SFChron: House Republican women insist it's not about abortion
- SFChron: GOP dares Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer to close Yosemite over women's health
- CCTimes: Behind the scenes, developers influence Concord Naval Weapons Station planning
- SJMerc: San Jose city leaders want to add 'Silicon Valley' to airport name
- SLO Trib: Blakeslee explains as others complain
The Golden Pen
FresBee: New GOP chairman may get it
OCReg: GOP takes low road on immigration
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Cal-EPA Indoctrinates School Children
- F&HDaily: CalPERS should be Required to Invest in California Based Companies
- LAT: Jane Harman: Out of the fray
- HumEvnts:Tennessee Rep. Chuck Fleischmann: Against All Odds
- ModBee: Cogdill puts hat in ring for council
- SacBee: Lawsuit seeks removal of Central Valley beetle from endangered list
- FresBee: Feds OK Aeromexico plan for Fresno-Mexico City
- BakCal: Latinos hope to strengthen their political power through redistricting
- VCS:CSUCI cuts athletics chief, 2 other high-level jobs in budget crisis
- LADN: Redrawing L.A. electoral districts a demanding role
- LADN: Dodgers and LAPD: zero-tolerance for violence at stadium
- LAT: L.A. city building inspectors arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes
- OCReg: Teacher says he may lose anti-Christian case
- OCReg: Rancho candidates talk land, budget and business
- OCReg: O.C. GOP blog publisher responds to SEC fraud suit
- IVDB: SanBAG: Colonies settlement `rushed'
- RivPE: Lawsuit: County mulls options, blames others
- SDUT: Sweetwater cancels superintendent's credit card