Friday, March 4, 2011
The CalChamber Is Ready To Betray Taxpayers Again?
- CCTimes: Lawmakers who take tough vote on budget will get support from Chamber
- LAT: California Chamber of Commerce leader edges toward support of Jerry Brown's budget outline
- SacBee: Chamber president sounds positive note about budget deal
SFChron: Calif. lawmakers tee up Brown's budget for vote
- SacBee:Budget bill headed for floor votes in Assembly, Senate
- DesSun:California budget bill headed for floor votes
- SLO Trib: Blakeslee reportedly seeking budget deal
- LAT: Key panel wraps up budget work, axes redevelopment
- CCT Political Blotter: Swanson: Don't abolish redevelopment agencies
- SFChron: Democrats OK big cuts to California's safety net
- SDUT: State budget will pass soon, Kehoe tells constituents
- SFChron: State budget panel OKs new rules for Cal Grants
- SacBee:Lawmakers hope to bypass ballot to take First 5 money
- SacBee: Brown's Countdown, Day 54: Budget panel approves plan
- SacBee: Five California state worker unions sue to halt furloughs
- CalWatchdog: CPUC Floats $3.4 Billion Green Water Tax
- SacBee: The Buzz: Yee vs. Crane bout continues
SBSun: Judge rules part of Jessica's Law violates offenders' rights
- LAT: Trips, tickets and golf for California lawmakers highlight laxity of ethics rules
BayCit: Parents Clash over Gay Curriculum Proposal
- LAT: Court dismisses two of eight charges against state Sen. Rod Wright; appeals expected
- SacBee: California tax board shows how 2009 incomes fell
- SFChron: San Bruno blast: Feds find more flaws in gas line
- SFChron: PG&E to give heads-up to people near big gas lines
- SJMerc: PG&E replaced San Bruno pipelines in 1993, but stopped one block short of doomed section
- SFChron: San Bruno blast an 'anomaly,' industry exec says
The Hill:Issa taps former Daily Caller flack as new spokeswoman
- SacBee: Sacramento City district approves budget cuts for worst-case scenario
- SacBee: Kings move to Anaheim looking more likely, mayor says
- OakTrib: Protesters chain themselves together at UC Berkeley building
- OCReg: Johnson: Kings 'likely' headed to Anaheim
- OakTrib: Lee, mayors decry budget cuts' harm to cities
- SJMerc: Firefighters' union, city of San Jose reach deal to slash pay and benefits
- VCS:County lawmakers report $15,000 in gifts
The Golden Pen
OCReg: California's three-step recovery
OCReg: Pension tipping point
- FlapsBlog: Video: California Board of Equalization Casts Doubt on Amazon Internet Sales Tax Legislation
- CalPensions: CalPERS, CalSTRS on pension reform: think long
SFChron: East Coast Media Drinking Game: The Jerry Brown interview edition
SacBee: Republicans have big opportunity, if they take it
SacBee: Kings or not, Sacto won't be 'world-class'
Townhall: Public Employee Unions
LADN: Villaraigosa, Greuel remind city department managers to clamp down on budget items
- SanGabTrib:County seeks funding guarantee if state programs shifted to local control
- LAT: L.A. drops charges against Westwood protesters
- LAT: Rizzo ordered pay split, Bell clerk testifies
- LADN: No Industry for proposed stadium site
- LAT: Councilman raises tough questions on football stadium
- LAT: On this field, taxpayers lose big-time
- LAT: Bell's voters have a real choice this time, thanks to the scandal
LADN: City's smoking ban to go into effect Tuesday ... and many are OK with ordinance
- LAT: Rivals Janice Hahn, Debra Bowen to open campaign headquarters Saturday
- LAT: DWP has been slow to spend millions in federal stimulus funds, L.A. audit finds
- LAT: Report finds disincorporating Vernon would hurt region's economy
OCVoice: Endgame Begins for Public Administrator John Williams
- OCReg: Public administrator offers resignation deal
- OCReg: Sanchez joins Republicans in small business vote
- OCReg: Capo district violated open-meeting law, expert says
- OCVoice: Orange County Is Now at Back of High-Speed Rail Line
- OCReg: Rancho councilman resigns, citing personal reasons
- OCReg: Lesson for RSM pols: Don't fight military
- RivPE: Sexual harassment suit against Mike Ramos tossed out by judge
- IVDB: Judge rules for DA in sexual harassment suit
- IVDB: Eight accused of stealing more than $500,000 intended for San Bernardino County's needy
- RivPE: Former Upland mayor is charged in bribery case
- DesSun:Rancho Mirage leaders support panel to study jail
- VOSD: Two City Directors Receive $46K in Raises
- SDUT: DeMaio seeks to lower water rates 15 percent
- SDUT: Qualcomm president donates $10 million to UCSD
- NCTimes: Lawmakers report 2010 outside income and gifts
- NCTimes: County pension gains top $1B for fiscal year