Tuesday, March 1, 2011
What's Wrong With The Los Angeles Area Chamber?
WashPost: The Fix's best state-based political Tweeters
IVDB: GOP steadfast on taxes
- LAT: Business groups place conditions on backing Jerry Brown's special election
- NYTimes: Pensions Under Strain, States Eye 401k Plans
- SFChron: Jerry Brown revises local-control plan
- LAT: Jerry Brown eases plan to shift prisoner responsibility
- RivPE: State parks officials soon to release closure list
- SacBee: Brown's Countdown, Day 51: As deadline looms, hurdles remain
Politico: The Governator goes green
WashPost: Darrell Issa investigating his spokesman regarding e-mails
- Politico: Issa probes staff; spokesman at center of controversy
- SJMerc: Redevelopment agencies criticized for using funds to pay for city services
CCT Political Blotter: Niello stands by his tax vote
OCReg: 200 agencies sweetened pension plans
- OakTrib: Rebates for homeowners to make energy-efficient improvements
- LAT: Lance Armstrong and proponents of proposed cigarette tax see tough fight ahead
CalWatchdog: Advocates Advance New Pot Initiative
SFChron: Lt. Gov. Newsom opts out of state office building
- CalWatch: Harris sues over scam targeting African American churches
SacBee: Meg Whitman joins Zipcar board of directors
- SacBee: The Buzz: Optometrists launch TV ad touting Reagan, glasses
SacBee: Correctional officer spokesman Lance Corcoran dies
- SacBee: UC Davis may ax 500 jobs to cope with budget cuts
- SFChron: Well-dressed UC students march on Sacramento
- SFChron: Lee nicknamed Velvet Hammer
- SFChron: Oakland's Jean Quan moves swiftly to fill city posts
- OakTrib: San Bruno blast survivors weigh whether to take PG&E buyout
- CCTimes: Walnut Creek may create $250,000 economic development department
- SJMerc: Voters to decide who pays for new schools
- SCS:Santa Cruz City Council to weigh selling bonds for redevelopment projects
- SCS:Santa Cruz County ground zero for SmartMeter opposition
The Golden Pen
CalWatchdog: Pensions Before The Poor!
SacBee: State budget gets even more convoluted
- CalPensions: What crisis? Nearly 200 agencies raise pensions
CalWatchdog: Kings Or Not, Sacto Can't Be "World Class"
CalBuzz: Voters Back Legal, Regulated Online Poker
SFChron: Tax or spend? The final chapter
California's "Health in All Policies" Could Revolutionize Health Care
Hogue News :Hogue's "Sacramento Insider"
- Newsweek: Why Liberals Love Trains
- AmerSpec: Money Train
- WSJ: Why Koch Industries Is Speaking Out
- FresBee: Fresno Co. lobbies for Capitol Hill funds
- FresBee: Are Enterprise Zones boon or burden for Valley?
- FresBee: EDITORIAL: County must lower pension costs right away
- VCS:Decision coming on launch of Medi-Cal insurance system
- LAT: Part 1: Millions wasted in community college construction
- LAT: Valley College center riddled with costly ills
- LAT: Database: The political money behind it all
- LADN: Wendy Greuel indicating a run for mayor
- LADN: LA reaps $32 million in savings through furloughs
- LAT: Bell police memo targets drivers with 'baseball game'
- OCReg: Bell agency defaults on $4.6 million loan
- LAT: Bell administrator testifies that she thought loans were legal
- LAT: Bicycle master plan is expected to be approved by the L.A. City Council
- VoiceofOC: Hopes for Cooperation on Pensions Wane as Battles Intensify
- OCReg: Average O.C. teacher salary: $77,862
- OCReg: San Juan councilman blasts Redevelopment Agency
- RivPE: San Bernardino district cuts budget, to send layoff notices
- RivPE: Spending bill would slash Inland jobs programs
- SDUT: City approves $4 billion in redevelopment spending
- VOSD: Redevelopment Money Now on Schools' Budget Table
- SDUT: Grossmont Healthcare raises $137m for projects
- SDUT: O'side Mayor Jim Wood may have had a stroke
- NCTimes: County says budget $147 million in black so far