Thursday, July 15, 2010
Money: Here are 4 reasons why Texas beats California in a recession - Jul. 13, 2010
FRBlog: Good Riddance Ron George
- SFChron: State Chief Justice Ronald George to retire
- SacBee:Chief Justice Ronald George to step down
- IVDB: State's chief justice won't seek re-election
- LAT: California Supreme Court chief to retire
- LAT: Schwarzenegger, voters will decide on next chief justice of California
- RivPE: State's chief justice retires
- YouTube - AFP's "Common Sense": See Ya In Vegas!
LAT: Who gets credit for a Juan Vargas victory?
- CapWkly: Capitol watches as Riverside, San Diego prepare for recount
- CCTimes: Brown, Whitman ads aimed at framing the debate
- SacBee:Meg Whitman in op-ed: Brown and I are the same on immigration
- Whitman says she and Brown are similar on illegal immigration
- SacBee: Ad Watch: Whitman attack on Brown's record stretches truth
- OakTrib: Atherton police prepare for nurse rally at Meg Whitman's home
- SFChron: Group launches anti-Whitman video game; reporter's productivity falls
- CCT Political Blotter: Meg Whitman: The new Lara Croft?
- Unions back new online game that attacks Whitman's jobs record
- SFChron: Whitman may give $30 million to state GOP
- Jerry Brown says Gov. Schwarzenegger 'failed' [Updated]
SFChron: Still knotted with Boxer, Fiorina goes off on SF as sanctuary city
- CapWkly: Water bond's ripples awash in the Capitol
- SacBee:Lockyer expresses concerns about high-speed rail financing
SFChron: Who's afraid of the governor's budget? (Hint: Not the governor.)
- SacBee: Chiang defends defiance of minimum-wage order
- SacBee:Videos: Chiang talks about lawsuits, minimum wage, leadership
- CapWkly: SEIU Local 1000 makes offer but it%u2019s DOA, sources say
- SacBee: The Buzz: Day 15 -- Steinberg, Hollingsworth in side talks on budget
- CapWkly: New financial pain looms for UC students
- SFChron: UC regents endorse test of online instruction
- OakTrib: UC developing online undergraduate degree program
CapWkly: Gulf spill puts heat on petroleum industry
SDUT: Critics blast governor's state board vacancies
- CalWatch: State Board of Education plans to declare emergency in 1,000 schools
- HealthyCal: Immigration bill would allow resident status for half million young Californians
- CalWatch: Counties try - and fail - to keep pension payouts secret
- SacBee: Public sector workers paying more of their health care costs
- DesSun:Feds sued by state for cutting loan program
- SFChron: State sues feds over green loans for homes
- SJMerc: State attorney general sues feds over solar financing
- OakTrib: California may dump 'state rock' that contains asbestos
- CCT Political Blotter: California's Pet Rock, Part II
The Golden Pen
AmerSpec: Life and Death in California
California, by the Numbers
Hogue News: Senator Cox - CA Man of Dogs and Presidents
SacBee: Cox's final acts included $7,800 donation to potential successor
- SacBee: Viewpoints: Having it both ways: Federal prerogative vs. states' rights
LAT: Hard numbers on candidates' soft spots
FresBee: Who will speak to emerging voters?
Why Did Obama Ignore Omar? Krusty to Cable Talk?
WSJ: My Biggest Mistake in the White House
WashPost: The High Price of American Hubris
BigPeace: Iran, Nuclear Weapons and Execution by Stoning: the Danger of International Affairs Relativism
- SacBee: Sacramento ballot measure would allow pot tax if legalization push succeeds
- SacBee: Sacramento officials, developers eager to get started on K Street makeover
- SFChron: Winners, losers in supes' Hunters Point vote
- CalWatchdog: NEW: SF blocks condo expansion
- CCTimes: Contra Costa loosens the string in a supervisor's archery ban plan
- SJMerc: San Jose Elections Commission imposes $500 fine against Minh Duong
- FresBee: Toxic shower threatens Valley air
- FresBee: Fiorina picks up ag endorsement in Clovis
- BakCal: Former director of insurance agency for public union investigated for embezzlement
- LADN: California lawmaker ponders Neverland as state park
- LADN: Carmen Trutanich, Council at odds over hirings
- LADN: LAUSD veteran gets unexpected transfer
- LADN: LAPD to install video cameras in 300 patrol cars
- LAT: Is a city manager worth $800,000?
OCVoice: Irvine Council OKs Business Complex and Ballot Initiatives
- OCReg: County executives get 'second pension'
- OCReg: Survey: O.C. execs nervous about economy
OCReg: DeVore says no Irvine mayoral bid
- OCReg: "Beds for Feds" generates $30 million for O.C.
- RivPE: Recall is on for San Jacinto council members accused of bribery, tax fraud
- DesSun:County to spend $2.35 million for health clinic
- DesSun:Economic recovery a slow process in valley
- VOSD: A Grand Compromise Becomes a Grand Failure
- VOSD: Quiet Coalition Floats Idea of Expanded School Board
- SDUT: Grants for gun club, band show questioned
- NCTimes: CARLSBAD: Body found in city treasurer's office
- SDUT: DEA: Chargers' MD wrote 108 prescriptions to self
- SDUT: Sponsors considered for more San Diego facilities