Friday, June 4, 2010
FIELD: Whitman leading Poizner two to one in the final days leading up to next Tuesday's GOP gubernatorial primary election.
- SacBee: Field Poll shows Whitman has the lead in every GOP group
- SFChron: Poll shows big lead for Whitman over Poizner
- OCReg: Poll: Whitman, Fiorina pulling away
- SDUT: Whitman has big edge over Poizner in poll
- RCP: CA Gov Poll: Whitman Up Big
Janice Rutherford for San Bernardino County Supervisor
Three Minutes With John Dennis: Jim Lacy Interviews The Man Who Would Retire Nancy Pelosi
SFChron: Meg Whitman: "Pedal to the metal" till June 8, turns attacks on Jerry Brown, unions (VIDEO)
- LAT: Document shows Poizner reversed course on public services for illegal immigrants
- LAT: Whitman braves heat from sun and reporters on the trail
- SacBee: Meg Whitman polishes her conservative cred in Roseville
- SFChron: CA Dem chair Burton: Meg isn't campaigning, she's writing checks (VIDEO)
- CCT Political Blotter: Anti-Whitman money starts to pour in
- CNN Political Ticker: Calif. GOP candidates targeted by Planned Parenthood
- CalWatch: GOP governor's race got hot, but donors stayed cool
WashPost: Fiorina: 'Bring. It. On.'
- NYTimes: Carly Fiorina Means Business
- SFChron: Gossip mill: Is a Palin robo-call about to drop for Fiorina
- LAT: Republican voters are in a quandary
- SacBee: Campbell goes back on air in pre-primary push
- LAT: Campbell goes back on the air in effort to catch Fiorina
- SJMerc: Tom Campbell still confident he can beat Fiorina in primary
- SFChron: Boxer stiff-arms our question. Second dis in a day for Shaky Hand Productions (VIDEO)
Lt. Gov. Maldanado shrugs off criticism during Long Beach port tour
- Politico: Ex-privacy chief turns on Facebook
- KQED: Prop 14: The Agent Of Change?
- SacBee: Ad Watch: Proposition 16 ad stretches ties to public budgets
SJMerc: Raising cash for campaigns no match to California's mega-rich
- SFChron: Campaign check: Lies and half-truths outed
Politico: Issa presses W.H. for travel answers
SacBee: How CalPERS was wooed in N.Y.
CalWatch: Marijuana delivery services spread across CA
- The Hill:Club for Growth eyes new political fund for expenditures in Nevada, other states
SacBee: California Assembly approves bill to expand rifle record-keeping
- State Senate vote: Minor marijuana possession not a misdemeanor
- State Senate votes to hike fines for cell phone driving laws
- SacBee: Senate approves enterprise zone overhaul
- SacBee: Senate rejects income tax appeal measure
- SFChron: Chelsea's Law OKd in flurry of Assembly bills
- CCT Political Blotter: Yee's phone-book bill bites the dust
- LAT: Bills target sex offenders, marijuana use, cellphone users
- OCReg: Medical board reinstated convicted felons
IVDB: Budget cuts to California community colleges force reduction of summer school classes
SFChron: State high-speed rail chief seeking partners
The Golden Pen
SacBee: MAPLight exposes its agenda
OCReg: Time to reform teacher tenure
- F&HDaily: Stick a Fork in Tom Campbell, His Senate Campaign is Done
Politi-Cal: And the Winner Is . . . Television
OCReg: Budget time bomb ticking
F&HDaily: Facts Get in the Way of the Truth When it Comes to "Feel-good' Legislation"
CalWatchdog: Nanny May I?
- CalWatchdog: Paper, plastic or a dirty bag?
CalWatchdog: Election pre-mortem
- OCReg: John Seiler's blog: Union smears in O.C.
CalWatchdog: CARB's leadership fetish
Hogue News: Poizner: Tax Dollars for Illegals' Abortions
SDUT: SB 1425: Pretend pension reform -- not the real thing
CalBuzz: Field Poll: Right-Wingers Helping eMeg Crush Poiz
HumEvnts: Gap Widens Between "We the People" and Liberal Elites
- BigGov't: Republican Gary Miller: Earmarks, Land Deals and FBI Investigations.
- BigGovt: Will So. Cal. Tea Party Activists Send a Message to Republican Gary Miller?
- SacBee: Sacramento budget plan would take more fire units out of action
- SacBee: Levees good for 100-year flood, FEMA tells Yuba County
- YoloCnty: Local Democrats, GOP in Yolo oppose Prop. 14
SFChron: Alioto-Pier set to fight for her S.F. supe seat
- SFChron: Supervisors object to mayor's choice
- SFChron: Panels approve Hunters Point shipyard report
- CCTimes: Lawsuit seeks return of millions for failed Delta protection plan
- CCT Political Blotter: Beware of paid slate mailers, part 2
- CCT Political Blotter: CD11: Harmer fires back on Emken
- SJMerc: San Jose mother's rage focused on PG&E
- SJMerc: High-speed rail board narrows route options south of San Jose Diridon Station
- FresBee: Valley high-speed rail route advances
- BakCal: Strictly Business feature: Q&A with Supervisor Ray Watson on high-speed rail
- BakCal: Unions outspending candidates in supervisor's race
- CalWatch: Isla Vista residents to be held responsible for underage drinking
- VCS:Assembly candidate calls foul on doctored photo in mailer
- VCS:County Republican Party returns $100,000 intended for supes race
- VCS:Supervisor candidate Strickland misses busiest days of legislative session
LAT: Villaraigosa says he'll reimburse value of gifts if ethics panel finds he acted improperly
- LADN: New budget plan calls for layoffs, fee hikes
- SanGabTrib:Candidates pitch frugality in 57th race
- IVDB: Error in voter guide cause hurt Riley's election chances in 59th assembly district
- IVDB: Candidates top $1 million in campaign spending for 59th, 63rd assembly seats
- SanGabTrib:Linda Sanchez clarifies comments on Arizona immigration law
- LADN: LAPD unveils anti-terrorism program called iWATCH
- LAT: Cuts threaten gang-rehab program
LAT: Not much of a contest in 33rd House District race
- LAT: John Wooden in grave condition, UCLA sources say
RedCounty: Rep. Rohrabacher Rushes to Catalina to Confront Mexican Consulate
LAT: Appointed O.C. sheriff faces 2 challengers
- OC Grand Jury Finds Significant Problems with Great Park
- OCReg: Grand jury criticizes Great Park financing
- OCReg: How to get elected with 4%
- RivPE: Woman sues San Bernardino DA candidate Guzman
- IVDB: Survey shows decline in public confidence of economic turnaround
- RivPE: San Bernardino County proposed budget gloomy
- DesSun:Proposed county budget calls for more cuts
- DesSun:Candidates going negative to get last word before vote
- RivPE: Riverside school district rescinds all but 128 layoffs
- VOSD: Strong Mayor: Opponents Decry Ballooning Mayor's Staff Costs
- SDUT: How much has strong mayor cost?
- VOSD: Supervisor Candidate Had Foreclosure in 2007
- SDUT: Trustees rescind 112 layoff notices
- NCTimes: REGION: Candidates spend down war chests ahead of election day
- SDUT: "Strong mayor" backers are flush