Tuesday, October 13, 2009
More Coverage Of The Threat Posed By Public Employee Unions
SacBee: California gives Milk his day as governor signs 478 bills
- CCTimes: Bills promising fundamental changes signed by governor
- SFChron: California gets an official Harvey Milk Day
- SDUT: Governor signs gay rights bills
- DesSun:Gay rights bills signed by governor
- LAT: Schwarzenegger pens a new course for California
NYTimes: California Tries to Solve Water Woes
- OCReg: Governor backs off veto threat, signs bills without water deal
- IVDB: Progress seen on water bills
SacBee: Schwarzenegger stingiest governor on signing bills
- CCT Political Blotter: Gubernatorial veto factoids
- OCReg: Metropolitan Water District kills controversial contracts
- SDUT: Water supplier's benefits won't rise
SacBee: Campbell stresses policy experience in California race for governor
- SacBee: New Whitman statewide radio ad
- PE: Campbell to speak in Redlands
OCReg: Field Poll: Brown way out front in governor's race
SacBee: Field Poll: Approval rating for Legislature drops to 13%
- SFChron: Voters disgusted with governor, Legislature
- OCReg: Governor signs two-tier pension law for O.C.
SanGabTrib:Schwarzenegger vetoes bill banning 710 above-ground freeway option
- CCT Political Blotter: Enviros pan governor's veto record
- OCReg: Governor vetoes anti-puppy mill bill
Red County: AD72 Special Election Debate Coverage
- OCReg: GOP forum for Assembly special election candidates
- IVDB: Bill enables state to reduce inmate population
- DesSun:Laws offer incentive for solar customers
- LADN: Governor signs bills to crack down on drunk drivers
Bloom: Schwarzenegger Fiscal-Repairman Image Defined by Budget Deficit
- SacBee: How many state workers stayed home on Columbus Day? Depends on whom you ask
- RivPE: Inland legislators win some, lose some
- SLO Trib: Achadjian wins two key GOP endorsements in assembly race
PE: Bono Mack camp: we're raising plenty of money
- SFChron: California bill seeks oil tax to aid colleges
The Golden Pen
OCReg: Editorial: Veto vow over water plan washes away
SacBee: Comic opera performance by governor and Legislature merits disdain
- SFChron: Win some, lose some
LAT: Bicoastal constitutional conundrum
- SacBee: Editorial: Governor wisely backs off threat
- LAT: Schwarzenegger's lame-duck calls
- LAT: Editorial: UC revenue plan is a major mistake
WSJ: Silicon Valley Lives
CalBuzz: How Union Helped New Bay Area News Project
- FresBee: Valley pays for utility's greed
- SFChron: Sacramento mayor is robbed in Union Square
- SacBee: Sacramento Mayor Johnson needles Newsom over his robbery
- SacBee: Sacramento County's part of pilot plan for ignition switches for DUI first offenders
- SacBee: Some in Sacramento still want a single-payer system
- SFChron: Cities lag in making housing quake-safe
- SFChron: Program pays retirees healthy bonuses
- SFChron: Chiu seeks to limit new garages in rentals
- OakTrib: West Oakland community bands together to fight freeway after Loma Prieta
- SJMerc: High Speed Rail Authority shops alternatives through San Jose
- SJMerc: Los Gatos mayor officially steps into Santa Clara County supervisor's race
FresBee: Radanovich hears health-reform input in Kerman
- ModBee: Modesto landowners fund growth campaign
- FresBee: EDITORIAL: Chancellor's vision was just what Valley needed
- BakCal: Government roundup: Farmer to run for Congress
- StockRec:Manteca contract talks fail; 12 officers cut
- FresBee: Value of illegal marijuana crops up for debate
- SLO Trib: Sam Blakeslee's bill to map Diablo quake faults dies by veto
- SCS: Several new laws come via Santa Cruz County legislators
- SLO Trib: Atascadero eyes 10-month medical pot dispensaries ban
VentStar: Assemblywoman Strickland to meet with public in Camarillo
- VentStar: Labor pacts pulled day before water agency vote
- VentStar: Reform bill prohibiting public abortion funds sparks debate
- VentStar: Ventura names Corney new police chief
LAT: L.A. mayor, council leaders strike deal to keep budget crisis from shrinking LAPD
- LADN: L.A. mayor reverses stand on hiring cops
- LAT: Accord will keep LAPD staffing at current levels, Villaraigosa says
- LAT: Federal probe of L.A. County children's agency sought
- IVDB: Board counting on raise freeze as budget solution
- RivPE: San Bernardino program would steer students away from violence
- RivPE: Inland educators not counting on federal stimulus dollars, despite governor's effort
- RivPE: Temecula substitute teacher to face molestation charge
- DesSun:County supervisor joins air quality board
- DesSun:Council candidate Michael Gallardo defends residency record
- DesSun:Convention offers message of tribal unity
- RivPE: Certification of recall bid expected to be presented to Lake Elsinore City Council
VOSD: Mayor's Message: It's the Recession's Fault
- SDUT: Council moves forward on new City Hall
- SDUT: Report cites major impact of fairgrounds renovation
- SDUT: At legal crossroads
- VOSD: Gov. Signs Grantville-Inspired Law
- NCTimes: REGION: Report states social host laws must be publicized, enforced
- VOSD: When Wife Advises, Husband's Firm Almost Always Picked
- SDUT: Homeless NIMBYism