Friday, September 4, 2009
VVPress: Adams recall organizers achieve 36,000-signature goal
NYTimes: California Leaders Back Health Program for the Poor
- SacBee: Schwarzenegger says he'll sign Healthy Families bill
- OakTrib: Deal saves health insurance for 600,000 needy California children
- VentStar: Assembly passes bill to save Healthy Families
- LAT: California Assembly widely approves plan to keep children insured
- OakTrib: Possible vacancy in lieutenant governor's office fuels talk of replacement candidates
Politico: Poizner camp - Whitman, Jones in 'love'
- Politico: Jones denies Beck 'truther' claim
- SFChron: Does Glenn Beck know that Meg Whitman is a "huge fan" of Van Jones?
- WashTimes: Another apology may be coming from Van Jones
- VIDEO: Meg Whitman and Van Jones ("Love Boat" Parody)
- SacBee: State attorney general targets health insurers
- SacBee: California rail PR deal delayed; firm with political ties in line
- SFChron: High-speed rail panel's PR problem
- SacBee: California issues last of IOUs
- SFChron: UC workers vote no-confidence in Yudof
- LAT: Proposed Harvey Milk Day creates quite a stir
- LAT: Legislature's leaders ask Schwarzenegger to trim state workers' furlough days
- SacBee: Republican ads target Pelosi
The Golden Pen
WSJ: The Coming Reset in State Government
WSJ: Tyler Grimm: John Murtha's Airport for No One
- OCReg: Editorial: Pension spike deal should be derailed
SacBee: Who would pay for massive California water project?
SacBee: Don't raise taxes, but do reform prisons
- CalCap: Turf War Between Auto Insurers and Repair Shops Still Rages
- SacBee: Sacramento City Unified's new chief is everywhere
- SacBee: Mercy San Juan among 12 California hospitals hit with penalties
- SFChron: Renewable-power fight at crossroads
- SFChron: S.F. proposal to use private workers draws fire
- SFChron: Double shocker: San Francisco Republican Party exists, opposes sanctuary city ordinance
- SJMerc: A's ballpark in San Jose would bring $130M a year in benefits to city, report finds
- SJMerc: Assembly approves bill that would allow 49ers to pick stadium contractor
- Commission seeks funds to proceed with rail purchase
- StockRec: Parks threatened?
- StockRec: S.J. is home to some well-paid, publicly employed doctors
- ModBee: Good news, bad news with property bills
- FresBee: English immersion program spreads beyond Valley
- SanGabTrib: Roski seeks relaxing of environmental laws for NFL stadium project
- LAT: State leaders may waive some rules for proposed stadium project
- LAT: Michael Jackson is laid to rest
- OCReg: Sheriff to lay off 30 non-sworn workers
- IVDB: Failure to disclose property ownership results in Penrod getting warning letter from FPPC
- DesSun:Writer of local grant indicted
- RivPE: Two Inland hospitals fined after state investigations
- SDUT:Airport creating a lure for carriers
- SDUT: State fish/game warden is nearing end of the line