Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Do You Want A Strong, Vibrant GOP For Decades To Come? GOP-Only Primaries Are Essential.
SFChron: GOP Sen. Abel Maldonado: CA Reps are "suicidal" to bar indy primary voters
Trevino: Carly Fiorina and life issues: unanswered questions.
WashTimes: Fiorina eyes upset for Sen. Boxer
CCTimes: Boxer: Dems must counter GOP shouting with facts on health reform
OCReg: Poizner in O.C., Part 1: The problem with Meg Whitman
- OCReg: Poizner Q&A in O.C., Pt. 2: Dealing with the Democrats
- SFChron: State AG Jerry Brown: "The 71-year-old comeback kid'?
- LAT: California holds a garage sale -- with cars autographed by Schwarzenegger
- SFChron: State puts on a garage sale to raise funds
- SacBee: Tax agencies criticize Schwarzenegger's worker furloughs
- SFChron: Guv Tweetenator wants you to tweet ideas on how to fix CA
- SantaCruzSent: Budget reform group California Forward prepares for 2010 ballot measure
- SacBee: California property assessment values fell for first time since 1933
- LAT: State property values suffer rare decline
- SacBee: Cal Fire boss apologizes for DUI arrest
Politico: Kennedy, the liberal lion, dead at 77
Politico: Remembering Ted Kennedy
- Politico: VIDEO: Kennedy's life and legacy
- LAT: PHOTOS: Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009
Nat'lRev: Their Lion, Our Bane
Nat'lRev: I Lost to Ted
The Golden Pen
AmFinBlog: California at risk of blowing a once-in-a-generation chance at reform
SacBee: Using student test scores to grade California teachers has pitfalls
FresBee: Valley ag future at crossroads
FRBlog: Early Release of Lybian Terrorist is Unacceptable
- SacBee: Sacramento County again readies budget ax
- SacBee: Screening program causes confusion at Sacramento airport
- SacBee: Mayor Johnson turns up the heat on Westfield
- SacBee: Small business owners fear new health care burden
- SFChron: BART's overtime bonanza could grind to halt
- SFChron: Final BART union votes to OK new contract
- CCTimes: Final BART union approves contract
- SJMerc: Roadshow: Bay Bridge closing Labor Day weekend for 'unprecedented construction feat'
- CCTimes: Rep. George Miller hopeful about health care bill's chances
- SJMerc: Facebook may expand staff by 50%
- StockRec:S.J. wants canal out of plans
- StockRec:SUSD board meeting turns tense
- FresBee: Fresno to study 3 water conservation plans
- FresBee: Governor visits Fresno in race for school funds
- FresBee: Clovis Unified parents refuse fees for school
- LADN: LAUSD votes to give outside groups a chance to run campuses
- LADN: Candidates for City Council's 2nd District gear up for a fight
- SanGabTrib:L.A. County Supervisors vote to renew sheriff's contracts with cities
- O.C. supervisors vote to appeal judge's rejection of pension suit against deputies' union
- OCReg: Supervisors revive challenge to deputy pensions
- OCReg:500 pack Rep. Miller's health care town hall
- OCReg: Editorial: Pension data not off-limits to public
- RivPE: Postmus friend issues statement on search warrants
- VVPress: Informant: Postmus set up PACs to hide pay-off
- IVDB: Biane, Derry disagree about ethics commission
- RivPE: Cool reception for ethics panel
RivPE: Supervisors back Sen. John Benoit as replacement choice
- DesSun:Supervisors endorse Wilson's pick for his successor
- Riverside County auditor announces bid for third term
- RivPE: Highest-ranking openly gay Riverside County deputy says barriers are gone
SDUT:Hot seat: Kevin Jeffries
- SDUT:No one charged in Busby incident
- SDUT:Home prices in county up a second month
- SDUT:Joan Kroc 1 of 13 to join California Hall of Fame
- VOSD:Businesses Awakened By Grier, But Are They Still a Giant?
- SDUT:More costs for new City Hall plan?