Friday, September 12, 2008
LAT: Palin asks Schwarzenegger to veto fees aimed at cutting pollution at California ports
Horcher, Allen, Setencich, Johanassen, Briggs, ASHBURN(?)
OCReg: Editorial: No, but just barely, to recalling Arnold
SacBee: Legislators' job approval barely registers in new poll
- SFChron: Legislature Approval Ratings Hit New Low
- SJMerc: Legislature in the doghouse
- RivPE: Scorn for state legislators reaches record level, poll shows
FresBee: Budget stalemate unlikely to affect legislators
- SFChron: Budget Impasse = More Crowded Classrooms
- VentStar: Schools struggle without budget
- SBSun: Taking of funds by state feared
- RivPE: Budget impasse may cause roadblock for road work
SacBee: GOP's inland empire may be vanishing
SacBee: Editorial: Keep an eye on Brown and tribes
SacBee: The Buzz: Parra goes from hot water to hot-lawmaker list
- SacBee: California education secretary quitting
- RivPE: State education secretary stepping down
- SDUT: Republican group upset over forum on Proposition 8
- OakTrib: Last stand on same-sex marriage?
FresBee: Smelt again at center of water conflict
SFChron: Palin would support war with Russia
- SFChron: As battleground shrinks, rivals narrow focus
- CCTimes: Immigration policy takes low profile in political campaigns
- SJMerc: Palin, in sit-down talk, says she's ready for the job
- SJMerc: Woodside fundraiser for Palin sells out, but Democratic women in Silicon Valley skeptical about the Palin effect
- SJMerc: With Democrats worried, Obama plans sharper tack
- SJMerc: McCain, Obama praise service at forum
- LAT: Palin talks tough on Iran, Russia in ABC interview
WashPost: Cindy McCain's Tangled Story of Addiction
- SacBee: Students rally for Rocklin teachers in pay fight
- SacBee: Rural Yolo residents fight plan for prison
- SFChron: BART Eyes Higher Toll During Peak Hours
- SFChron: S.F. Chronicle cutting back on Sunday comics
- OakTrib: All quiet at grove day after tree-sitters came down
- CCTimes: Two plans for Concord naval station -- only one will sail
- SJMerc: UC-Santa Cruz tree-sitters pledge to stay aloft despite Berkeley protest's end
FresBee: Autry to host radio talk show
- VentStar: Nava pushes for existing off-shore drilling moratorium
- LAT: L.A. County transit agency removes Measure R material from website
- LAT: Innocent victims of government inaction
- OCReg: State watchdog targets O.C. Fair, Anaheim freebies
- RivPE: Riverside County district attorney's allies fill posts costing $500,000
- SDUT: Did SEDC bonuses amount to fraud?
- SDUT: Charges filed against past CCDC leader