Sunday, June 1, 2008
Townhall: When "Market-Based" Is a Facade
LADN: Boxer urges support for environmental bill
OCReg: War to reclaim American property rights
- SacBee: Four justices overstepped, should have let voters decide marriage issue
SacBee: Propositions 98 and 99 are deceptive
SacBee: Research on immigrants is surprising ... or not
SacBee: Independent spending grows in California political races
SacBee: Ose loans his congressional campaign another $600,000
- SacBee: Ad Watch: Ose enlists ex-Gov. Wilson to blast McClintock
LAT: Schwarzenegger's lottery proposal not such an easy sell after all
- LAT: Split primary's 2nd act set to begin
CCTimes: Bay Area real estate figure bolsters fight to end rent control
NCTimes: Cell phone law to debut soon
SFChron: Bush's Job Rating At Record Low In California
- SJMerc: Juvenile justice reforms
- SJMerc: Advocates push judge to take over youth prisons
LAT: Marijuana 'grow houses' are creating problems in Arcata, Calif.
- SacBee: Yuba homebuyers face mounting commuting costs
- SacBee: Marcos Breton: Fargo may win, but not because she's earned it
- SacBee: Get-out-vote efforts could be key in Sacramento mayor's race
- SFChron: Tune in to election for reality-show drama
- SFChron: Opportunities Abound In Foreclosure Crisis
- CCTimes: Sheriff, supervisor are squaring off
- OakTrib: Alameda County budget to reflect fiscal woes at all levels
- FresBee: Sports venues spur development in other downtowns
- ReasonTV: Take Us Out of the Ball Game: Are sports subsidies worth it?
- FresBee: Key downtown Fresno project in works
- FresBee: District 5 race takes turn into the gutter
- VentStar: Tuesday's election turnout expected to be low
SanGabTrib: 3 Dems vie to run against Miller
- LAT: Name recognition could be deciding factor in California 23rd Senate District race
LAT: In Orange County election races, primaries pose the real fight for Republicans
- IVDB: County preparing for same-sex marriages
- SBSun: Ballot skews to local races
FRBlog: Sunday San Diego: A Ton of Election Fun
- SDUT: Pension mess still elephant in the room for candidates
- SDUT: Court to hear arguments in City Hall bribery case
SDVoice: Sanders Took Contributions from Supposedly Spurned Donors
- SDUT: Every day's a fine, fine day