Sunday, November 12, 2006
Until the GOP acknowledges why it lost the majority, we are stuck in 2006 instead of looking to 2008
State GOP Regional Vice Chairman, shares some thoughts...
CCTimes: Governor can expect rough ride
- LAT: California voters in a happy state
SJMerc: Green groups relish victories
SDUT: GOP struggles for a plan to reunite party
- SacBee: The blog watch: A selection from the region's blogosphere
OCReg: Ford set to surpass Reagan as oldest former U.S. president.
- SacBee: 2008 race for mayor could be a brawl
- SFChron: Huddle over 49ers' pending move unlikely to save game for S.F.
SacBee: Houston gag order lifted
- SacBee: In Oakland, a united front to stop cycle of violence
Congressman-elect talks issues over bacon and eggs
- SJMerc: Labor's losses sweeping, not total
VentStar: Absentee voting rate increasing in county
- BakCal: Council's power structure altered
The Golden Pen
OCRegister Cartoon: "Plastic" -
OCReg: We don't need this kind of GOP
SacBee: A winning transformation
- SDUT: Center stage for Schwarzenegger
SacBee: Finally, an opportunity to fix roads
SacBee: Angelides' strategy failed basics of 'Campaigns 101'
- LAT: New battle looms over L.A. schools
- LADN: March 6 election likely a busy one
LAT: Aide quits job with Huizar to challenge him for City Council
- LAT: Living wage law may expand in L.A.
SBSun: Job open: $110K a year, excellent benefits
- OCBlog: Dueling Methodologies In The 34th SD
- OCReg: Gap narrows in 34th district
- LAT: GOP courted Little Saigon
FRBlog: Sunday San Diego
SDUT: Mayor has first, last, only word on city info
- SDUT: Padilla tough to replace on coastal panel