Thursday, February 23, 2006
- Governor, now more than ever we need you to appoint Republican Judges, not Democrats
SFChron: Big test for governor at GOP convention
CapWkly: Team Schwarzenegger gets overhaul with a White House feel
- SJMerc: Poll: Governor's GOP support shrinking
- CCTimes: GOP support for governor shrinking, according to poll
SJMerc: Analyst: Governor's budget worsens financial trouble
- CCTimes: Governor's budget leaves state vulnerable, top watchdog says
- LAT: Analyst Questions Gov.'s Budget
- SFChron: Money rolling in worries state budget analyst
- SacBee: State budget windfall likely
- SacBee: Reform at top of UC vowed
- SFChron: UC brass grilled on executive pay practices
- OakTrib: Regents chief: UC messed up but will reform
- LAT: Top Regent Says Board Unaware of Lavish Pay
- SDUT: Senators displeased with UC's leadership
- SFChron: Lethal-injection method on trial across the U.S.
- LAT: State Will Help Shape Fate of Lethal Injection
- SJMerc: Death Penalty Debate Reopened
- SDUT: Executions may be facing lengthy review
- CapWkly: Where are they now? Former Lt. Gov. Mike Curb
- CapWkly: 'Only in California' bills dot Capitol landscape
CCTimes: Governor, Feinstein warn repair needed on levees
- StockRec: Levees 'one big earthquake away from a disaster'
StockRec: Report a boost for Pombo's ESA goals
- SDUT: Californians blast Schwarzenegger on overfishing, beach pollution
The Golden Pen
SDUT: The Reiner rip-off
- The Gov can fire Reiner at will - and should.
CapWkly: State GOP needs enemies, heroes, leadership to electrify rank and file
- CapWkly: A familiar scenario: Right-wing makes noise, but little else, at convention
SacBee: Next crisis: Health care for retired public workers
LAT: Villaraigosa Stands the Best Chance of Succeeding Gov.
- LAT: Bay Area Lawmaking -- the Weird and the Wonderful
- CCTimes: Simonsen announces Assembly bid
- SFChron: Oakland Mayor - De La Fuente's debate plan is first dustup
- OakTrib: Sheriff to retire after decades of service
FresBee: Boehner stumps for Radanovich
- BakCal: Costa may seek second term unchallenged
- StockRec: Mayor's $100M proposal
- BakCal: Bill aims to keep Kern free of sex offenders
- SacBee: L.A. labor group to name leader
LAT: Mayors Push for Housing in Rebuilding Plan
- RivPE:Officials seek new ethics law
- LAT: Power Plant Is Opposed
- IVDB: Courts to get help from new Superior Court judge
- RivPE: Charges called a blow to council
- RivPE:Inland lawmakers: Study port deal
- NCTimes: San Diego prosecutor tapped to be judge