Saturday, October 8, 2005
- SFChron: Dellums enters Oakland mayor race as favorite
- SacBee - Dellums' decision: He's running
- LAT - Dellums Aims to Lead Oakland
- LAT - Redistricting Drama Adds a Producer
- SDUT - Candidates duke it out over taxes at debates
- SacBee - $$ Ballot watch
- SJMerc - Mayor's race officially starts with candidates forum on San Jose transportation and housing issues
- SJ Merc - Prison doctor paid not to work
- SacBee - Mixed reviews for state share of homeland security funds
- SFChron - Treasure Island chief may be fired
- LAT - Lobbyist Testifies He Gave Lynwood Ex-Mayor $7,500
- LAT - City Audit Critical of Treasurer
- OCReg - County registrar of voters cleared
- LAT - O.C. Registrar Is Cleared, but Won't Return to Post Yet
The Golden Pen
FROM THE FR WEBLOG: <br \>DAN SCHNUR: Who's advising Steve Poizner? - FLEISCHMAN COMMENTARY:<br \>Paycheck Protection Works In Utah
- LAT - State Employees Assn. Faces External, Internal Battles
- SDUT - Judge rules against cross measure
- LAT - Ruling in San Diego May Mean Removal of Cross on Mt. Soledad
AP - Governor vetoes bill to grant licenses to illegal immigrants
- SacBee - Veto on driver's license
- SacBee - Governor: New laws to help kids
- SFChron: Governor signs bills aimed at teen bahavior
- SJ Merc - Governor signs bill on violent games
- LAT - Governor OKs Supplement Limits
- SFChron - New Legislation
- SacBee - Veto aids developer in dispute over land
- OCReg - Tainted-candy bill wins OK