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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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The Face of the Miller Recall

Well, the human face of the purported recall of Assemblyman Jeff Miller has finally been revealed to the public. It’s an interesting young man, accented not only by a bare-shouldered party dress, but also complete with carefully applied lipstick, mascara and eye liner. That all of these quality accessories and cosmetics are adorning the face of a man may strike some as unusual, but no matter your views on people who dress in drag, all of this only contributes to the further absurdity of a shameful farce.

Blaine Jenks is 22 years old, a recent graduate of Orange County’s Vanguard University and still lists his mother’s home as his address. But rather than inquiring if he/she should move out of mom’s place, let’s focus on the actual address for a moment. Blaine’s voter registration card still lists his mom’s Placentia address as his home. And for those outside of Orange County, Placentia is well outside the lines of the 71st Assembly District.… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Mcnerney Hypocrisy on Clean Energy

The 11th district’s congressman, Jerry McNerney has raised serious questions today about his commitment to renewable energy and his ethics with his vote against an amendment to include more clean energy sources… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Rohrabacher Takes On Moran, Matthews Over Global Warming Alarmism

California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher does an outstanding job of taking on leftist Congressman Jim Moran over the issue of global warming on the Chris Matthews’ Hardball show on MSNBC. But he does and even better job of taking on Matthews! it’s worth watching… (h/t to Andy at CfG)

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Jon Fleischman


Welcome to the second part of our two-part feature on the FlashReport “Winners & Losers of the May 19 Special Election.” Yesterday we presented the winners. Today we introduce to you the losers – those people or groups who, from our perspective, suffered in their stature, standing and reputation as a result of the outcome of Tuesday’s vote. It’s always more challenging to call out losers than winners, and occasionally (but not usually) someone takes it personally. We understand if you do — but to you we’d say, suck it up. This whole stupid special election didn’t need to happen, but it did, and you tried to raise my taxes, andRead More

Jon Fleischman


Welcome to the second part of our two-part feature on the FlashReport “Winners & Losers of the May 19 Special Election.” Yesterday we presented the winners. Today we introduce to you the losers – those people or groups who, from our perspective, suffered in their stature, standing and reputation as a result of the outcome of Tuesday’s vote.

It’s always more challenging to call out losers than winners, and occasionally (but not usually) someone takes it personally. We understand if you do — but to you we’d say, suck it up. This whole stupid special election didn’t need to happen, but it did, and you tried to raise my taxes, and failed. So, losers, in no particular order, take your shame…Read More

Jon Fleischman


Welcome to the second part of our two-part feature on the FlashReport “Winners & Losers of the May 19 Special Election.” Yesterday we presented the winners. Today we introduce to you the losers – those people or groups who, from our perspective, suffered in their stature, standing and reputation as a result of the outcome of Tuesday’s vote. It’s always more challenging to call out losers than winners, and occasionally (but not usually) someone takes it personally. We understand if you do — but to you we’d say, suck it up. This whole stupid special election didn’t need to happen, but it did, and you tried to raise my taxes, andRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Why Did The Terminator’s Tax Increase Plan Get Terminated?

I wrote this column for The Fox Forum on why Props. 1A through 1E went down to ignominious defeat:

California voters have overwhelmingly rejected the 5 “budget reform” propositions cobbled together by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democratic legislature, rejecting them by 30-point margins. Even in leftist bastion of San Francisco, these tax-and-borrow initiatives are going down.

The focus of voter ire was Proposition 1A, a soft-spending cap that also extended a massive, two-year tax hike for an additional two years. The tax extension was a partly successful bid to buy public employee union support.

The “Yes” and 1A-1E campaign possessed all the conventional advantages of winning a statewide initiative campaign: favorable ballot descriptions written by the legislature rather than, as is customary, by the Secretary of State; the support of nearly the entire ruling class from the governorRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Legislator Salaries Cut

In a move that will be wildly popular on the heels of the Prop 1F passage, the California Citizens CompensationCommittee will reduce salaries by 18%, reducing the legislators grosssalary from $116,208 to $95,291. Under Prop112 passed by voters in 1990, the Committee sets salaries of legislators and higher offices. [Prop 140 later eliminated retirement benefits for legislators as well as installing term limits] Under the rules the cuts cannot take effect until Dec 2010. Prop 6, passed in 1972, prohibits reduction of pay during a legislators currentterm. Incoming and re-elected Senators and Assembly representatives will see that cut then.

The new lower salary will actually be less than the salary was back in 2004, when it was $99,000. The Committee then saw fit to hike it 3 times in 2 years as I recall to about $111,000, then $113,000 and finally the current $116,208 figure [leadership gets a higher salary] Taxpayers Ihappened to talk to aboutthis today laughed when I told ’em of this news. "Pay for performance" one told me. As a whole, yep!… Read More

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