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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Governor Should Engage In An Honest Debate On The Negative Impacts Of AB 32

It would appear that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks that you (and me) are stupid.


Chris Reed, a member of the editorial board of the San Diego Union Tribune, sent off a group of four questions to the Governor’s office all centered around the fact that the Governor himself insisted that there be a provision in AB32 that would allow for its suspension during tough economic times. Given that we are in a recession, Chris’ questions seemed on point. Here are his four questions and the four unbelievable answers from the Governor’s office…

Q. California’s unemployment rate is now 12.5 percent. How does the present condition of the state’s economy not meet the governor’s standard for suspending AB 32’s implementation?

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Jon Fleischman

The Governor Should Engage In An Honest Debate On The Negative Impacts Of AB 32

It would appear that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks that you (and me) are stupid.


Chris Reed, a member of the editorial board of the San Diego Union Tribune, sent off a group of four questions to the Governor’s office all centered around the fact that the Governor himself insisted that there be a provision in AB32 that would allow for its suspension during tough economic times. Given that we are in a recession, Chris’ questions seemed on point. Here are his four questions and the four unbelievable answers from the Governor’s office…

Q. California’s unemployment rate is now 12.5 percent. How does the present condition of the state’s economy not meet the governor’s standard for suspending AB 32’s implementation?

A. Your question is premised on an unproven assertion that implementation of AB32 would be harmful to the economy when all the evidence points in the opposite direction. Major programs under AB 32 will not go into effect… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Poizner Campaign’s Sleazy Blog Tactics CEO Chip Hanlon posted about a discovery he made regarding the Steve Poizner for Governor campaign’s approach to our blog,

Someone should tell Steve Poizner that Red County would have covered his Gubernatorial campaign for free.

You see, I’ve recently learned something which, in retrospect, might not come as a complete shock to all our readersgiven the nature of his content: I have it in writing that the Poizner camp has been secretly paying one of our writers, “Sgt. York,” for favorable coverage all year long.

Now, to be fair, the Poizner camp wasn’t paying him directly. Instead, they were paying a “consultant,” and that person was paying our now-former writer. But it isa factthat theperson was paying York explicitly for pro-Poizner, anti-Whitman commentaries, articles specifically to be written on

I disclose this publicly here to preserve… Read More

Duane Dichiara

A Crushing Defeat for Labor in Bellweather Oceanside Election

For the past few years public employee unions have been on the march in San Diego County. In the 2008 elections, these unions rode the Obama wave to crushing victories over center right candidates countywide in cities as diverse as Chula Vista, San Diego, and Escondido.

The tip of the public employee union spear countywide has been the various firefighter unions who, like many of their brethren statewide, have been radicalized by the expectation that the large benefit and salary increases they accumulated during economic good times would get even better in bad times.

Flush with the 1998 victories, these same unions decided to push further. The City of Oceanside had a 3:2 Republican/Labor council, and for the first time in recent memory a Democrat Presidential candidate, Obama, carried the city. The fiscally responsible majority in the city, well aware that city finances were going to be impacted by the recession for years to come, opposed further firefighter benefits and salary increases.

So the fire union, and their labor allies outside Oceanside, decided to teach officials countywide, and really statewide, a lesson by recalling one of the Republican… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

“Blue Alert” to Catch a Cop Killer

Last week, I proposed legislation to authorize the California Highway Patrol to activate the state’s Emergency Alert System and issue a “Blue Alert” when necessary to speed apprehension of criminals who attack or kill local, state, or federal law enforcement officers. Similar to the “Amber Alert,” which is employed when children are abducted, the Blue Alert will be activated only if a peace officer is killed, seriously wounded or assaulted with a firearm.

Blue Alert programs have been established in Florida, Texas and Oklahoma and can help avert further harm to officers and the public when a description of the offender’s vehicle or license plate are available for broadcast.

The cold-blooded killing of four officers in Oakland and four Washington State officers just this year serves as a grim reminder that law enforcement officers must often confront criminals capable of incredible violence. When attacks on peace officers do occur, law enforcement agencies and the public may be better served by activation of a Blue Alert.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fontana Mayor Mark “Conflict King” Naumi “Let Go” From Colton City Job With Fat Six Figure “Golden Parachute”

Back in the 90’s there was a song, Kick Him When He’s Down by the group Offspring.

The title of that song came to mind as I recently came across the news that the controversial “Conflict King” of Colton and Fontana, Mark Nuaimi, had been axed from his full time job as Assistant City Manager for the Inland Empire City of Colton. Nuaimi apparently still retains his elective office of Mayor of the City of Fontana, which is just blocks from Colton. It was Nuaimi’s “dual role” of being a top level management official in one city while being the top level elected official in the neighboring city which earned Nuaimi the title of “Conflict King” – and garnered him a starring role in a lot of You Tube videos such as this one below…

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James V. Lacy

No decision yet in Citizens United case

The U.S. Supreme Court indeed issued decisions in three cases this morning but did not publish an opinion in the very important campaign finance reform case of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, which remains pending.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Under Leadership of Jenniffer Rodriguez, CYR Stages A Comeback

Yesterday we featured an update on goings-on with the Young Republican Federation of California, penned by their new State Chairman Adam Abrahms. For many people in the state, there is some confusion over the fact that there are actually two different statewide YR organizations recognized by the California Republican Party — the other one is the California Young Republicans. I guess the easiest way to summarize the reason that there are two YR organizations would be this: Back in the early 1990’s, a large activist surge brought a bunch of new people into the California Young Republicans, which at that point was the only statewide YR group. The CYR leadership, afraid of "losing control" of the group as it grew in size, cheated to keep their Kern County based group in charge. This cheating caused the vast majority of CYR’s members to leave the group, forming the YRFC, which for the last fifteen plus years has really been the dominant statewide YR group.

All of that said, I have been extremely impressed, lately, with a surge of activism within the original CYR group that has come under the Chairmanship of Jenniffer Rodriguez. The… Read More

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