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Complaints Filed Against Irvine Puppeteer Larry Agran’s Hometown Voter Guide

Those of you who have done any political work in Orange County are well-aware of former presidential candidate/Dark Lord Larry Agran and his fiefdom of Irvine. Well, I just received this releaseaddressed to the county’s major media contacts:


Campaign watch-dog, Brad Mailly, today has filed a complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission and the Orange County District Attorney alleging that Irvine Mayor Beth Krom, Irvine City Councilmember Sukhee Kang and council candidate Mary Ann Gaido received unreported campaign contributions in excess of Irvine’s $390 contribution limit. The complaint alleges that over $153,000 has been funneled from billionaire Anne Getty Earhart and other enterprises doing business with the city to Hometown Voter Guide, a slate mailer organization, ostensibly as payments for advertising to support Measure M in its slate mailers. As indicated by its campaign statements filed with the Registrar of Voters, Hometown Voter Guide is not a committee under California law, has not received any contributionsRead More

Brandon Powers

Rumor Abounds: Villines Mounting Challenge to Plescia?

Rumors are spilling out of the Capitol that Assemblyman Mike Villines is mounting a challenge to Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia.

While perhaps not the best source for internal Republican matters, the CA Majority Report had this story earlier this morning.

As Drudge would say, “Developing…”… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Schwarzenegger, Poizer, and Prop. 90 set to win in new Hoover Poll

The Hoover Institute released a new poll yesterday on several state ballot issues (Prop. 85-90 only) and the major candidates the voters will consider in Tuesday’s election.

Here are excerpts from the Hoover news release on the poll.

"According to a survey conducted October 19-27 for the Hoover Institution by Polimetrix, Schwarzenegger leads his Democratic opponent, California State Treasurer Phil Angelides 50% to 40% with 10% undecided or supporting third party candidates.

"In most other races, Democratic candidates hold comfortable margins over their Republican opponents. U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein leads Republican State Senator Richard Mountjoy 57% to 39% in her bid for reelection. Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi leads State Senator Tom McClintock 51% to 45% in the race for Lieutenant Governor. Current… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Dems New Strategy – Hide

Two weekends ago, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was all over network TV, talking about her plans if Democrats won the House. On Monday, tracking polls all over the country showed a spike in Republican performance. We haven’t seen her since.

Harry Reid, Senate Minority leader, gets caught in a shady land deal in Nevada. Haven’t seen him since.

Senator John Kerry, in perhaps one of the worst campaign gaffes of all time, denigrates the educational levels of our troops in Iraq (who have a higher percentage of college degrees than those not serving in the military). Today, his planned trips to Iowa, Minnesota and Philadelphia are all canceled at the request of the candidates he was planning to support.

We won’t see him again until after next Tuesday.

Yes, the new strategy for the Democrats – hide!

Lest any conservative become smug about the situation, keep this in mind – these buffoons are competitive with our side. It’s time to ask ourselveswhy.… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Elevating Ackerman to Hero Status

Aside from having a Republican Governor the Republican Party in CA has had to appreciate the little victories the last several election cycles.

It seems however that is about to change. Several of our statewide candidates are poised for victory.

But there is another reason for the GOP to have hope. In Orange County the 34th State Senate Distinct is the only legislative district that is really in play this year. And while Central Orange County has been a stronghold for the Democrats that should change on Tuesday.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Elevating Ackerman to Hero Status

Aside from having a Republican Governor the Republican Party in CA has had to appreciate the little victories the last several election cycles.

It seems however that is about to change. Several of our statewide candidates are poised for victory.

But there is another reason for the GOP to have hope. In Orange County the 34th State Senate Distinct is the only legislative district that is really in play this year. And while Central Orange County has been a stronghold for the Democrats that should change on Tuesday.

It is an open secret that polling shows Republican State Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher leading over Democrat County Supervisor Lou Correa. If Daucher pulls out a win here, it will be a victory for Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman more than anyone else. He is the one who has put all the pieces together, raised the necessary dollars and masterminded this outcome.

Local GOP Chairman Scott Baugh will deserve some credit too for overseeing the successful volunteer-led registration drive that has brought registration in the district to near even.

The Democrats are so scared of what Ackerman has put together in this race that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who is accountable? Misleading CRP Voter Guide is used to further mislead GOP voters!

I am really not sure of exactly how the California Republican Party’s voter guide came out with omissions of party positions, and inclusion of positive statements about measures on which the party has no position.

The whole thing is troubling and it leaves one to conclude that somebody or somebodies made some subjective calls about which party positions were really important versus which ones were not. Now what criteria were used to determine what was left off, or what should have been left off that was actually included eludes me. Was it based on what interests had money and which ones did not? Because often times political parties will take principled positions for or against ballot measures, knowing that the position of the party may not have a financially well-off ally to help promote that position.

Anyways, in the California Republican Party voter guide, there is an entire page devoted to why Proposition 1D, the so-called Education Bonds, are a good idea. When it actually came to someone’s attention that the CRP membership did not vote to endorse 1D, instead of scrapping the mailing (which would have been a very expensive proposition),… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A tale of two Steves, or if you prefer, The Spinner and the Sinner

Wow – there’s spinning spinmeisters that shamelessly spin, and then there’s Steve Maviglio. He’s the master of trying to make really bad and embarrassing things that any Democrat does sound benign. He works really hard at it – facts be damned. Look at all he did for Gray Davis…, nevermind……the people of California saw through Steve’s hapless spin then and recalled his boss (How embarrassing for a spinner – wonder if that’s on his resume? He is pictured above to the left on the deck of the HMS Titanic.) Well, enough about how over the top Steve is, we all know he doesn’t have a real strong grasp of how things actually are because he’s blinded by partisanship. It’s his charm. It’s why we read his stuff. ‘Cause its funny.

Let’s look at one of his latest attempts at making lemonade out of lemons. Let’s call this the “Walt Ingalls was delightful company” spin.

As has been reported on the FlashReport,… Read More