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Jon Fleischman

Hanretty: CMR not a credible source for GOP info…

Brandon Powers recently posted a link up on this site over to the evil, hated and reviled (LOL) California Majority Report website, where they have reported that there is a leadership challenge in the making to Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia (this is true, by the way).

Karen Hanretty, our famous FR alumnus, posted a comment to Brandon’s post that is worth some attention, so I am reprinting it below:

"While perhaps not the best source for internal Republican matters…" [Referring to the Democrat Majority Report website]Read More

Riverside County Election Night Results

Riverside County GOP Chairman Jeff Millerprovides the following information aboutabsentee voter results on election nights:

Around this time of year I get about five calls a day from volunteers and candidates about how the election night results are coordinated. And you know, every election night the proverbial question is asked of the first update, "Are those numbers absentees?" I asked the ROV Barbara Dunsmore how she is handling it and here is how she explained it to me. "The first posting between 8:15 – 8:30 p.m. will be the absentees counted and the ballots cast at early voting sites. Updates after that will be intermittent based on when cartridges come into our office. I anticipate having the final semiofficial count completed around 1-2 a.m." I hope this reduces some anxiety and false rumors/information that might be floating around Riverside County on election night.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New Feature – The FR BlogScan – Try it Out!

This morning, the FlashReport is pleased to unveil its newest feature for FR readers — the FlashReport BlogScan. By going to the FR BlogScan page, you will be able to see what is going on right away on all of the political blogs in the state that we feel are most relevant to California politics. This page is fully customizable by you so that you can read all of the blog feeds, or you can select only certain ones to read. So whether you want to know what is going on in the LA Times Political Muscle Blog, the San Diego Union Tribune’s America’s Finest Blog, great conservative sites like the OC Blog or, of course, the FlashReport blog, or even what is happening on liberal blogs like the California Majority Report — you can do it from the FR BlogScan. Of course, this is a new feature, so you’ll have to give us feedback on how it is working for you. Also, of course, we are happy to take… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: Let’s Send Garamendi back to the Peace Corps

Poll after poll shows Gov. Schwarzenegger easily winning re-election next Tuesday. However, the fate of the other Republicans running for the statewide offices is not so easily predicted.

But polls do show Sen. Tom McClintock, the darling of California conservatives, running ahead of Insurance Commissioner, Democrat John Garamendi. It will be a sweet victory for McClintock, who has run and lost statewide races before. McClintock has run a smart campaign and, to many people’s surprise, stayed pretty quiet while the guy at the top of his party’s ticket was busy signing Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez’ legislative agenda into law.

After spending nearly twenty years in the legislature, McClintock,… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Let’s Send Garamendi back to the Peace Corps

Poll after poll shows Gov. Schwarzenegger easily winning re-election next Tuesday. However, the fate of the other Republicans running for the statewide offices is not so easily predicted.

But polls do show Sen. Tom McClintock, the darling of California conservatives, running ahead of Insurance Commissioner, Democrat John Garamendi. It will be a sweet victory for McClintock, who has run and lost statewide races before. McClintock has run a smart campaign and, to many people’s surprise, stayed pretty quiet while the guy at the top of his party’s ticket was busy signing Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez’ legislative agenda into law.

After spending nearly twenty years in the legislature, McClintock,… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

I was a policeman when Jerry Brown was elected Governor

I got this letter today from a friend. It seems to be circulating around the Internet via e-mail. If you haven’t received this, send this link to your friends and family as a reminder of why we don’t want Jerry Brown occupying the Attorney General’s office. On Tuesday (or before, if they are absentee ballot voters), they need to vote for Sen. Chuck Poochigian. Here’s why:

Mr. Gregg Passama ("COPS") President California Organization of Police & Sheriffs 430 N. Vineyard #310 Ontario, California 91764

Mr. Passama,

I am a retired Los Angeles Policeman. I was a "cop" who worked,… Read More

Barry Jantz

Datamar is In…

Datamar is in and shows Prop 85 tied. Can this be possible?Enough Angelides partisans call it a day on Tuesday and anything is possible.On the other hand, Datamar shows Prop 90 closing.Compare this to the slightly earlier Hoover results, perhaps proof in the pudding as to why we shouldn’t trust polling.

Schwarzenegger, Feinstein Still Enjoy Comfortable Leads Propositions 1A, 1B, 1E Ahead, 1C, 1D Behind Propositions 83, 84, 90 Ahead, 86, 87, 88, 89 Behind Proposition 85 Tied See the Datamar resultshere.… Read More

Garcia vs Clute, The Duel in the Desert

Bonnie Garcia and Steve Clute debated tonight on CBS Channel Two in the Desert.

The program opened with a discussion of mudslinging and showed an example of each candidates TV ads. No surprise, each answered that they were focused on the opponent’s records, not personal attacks.

Not trusting myself to give a fair and unbiased assessment of this bout, I had recruited two other highly regarded and astute political observers, one active Republican, one active Democrat,to keep score on each topic point and on opening and closing comments. Just like a boxing match. "The Duel in the Desert." We watched seperately, then they sent their results to me.

With opening remarks, 12 topic/issue questions, and closing comments, there were 14 total points (rounds). I decided to allow ties on each round, if necessary.

Questions included: spending limits, Megans Law, carpetbagging, education, tribal compacts, Salton Sea restoration, alternative energy, taxes and spending, and an are you spiritual/religious question (both yes).

Judge 1 9 Garcia, 0 Clute, 5 Ties Judge 29 Garcia, 2 Clute, 3 Ties Judge… Read More