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Barry Jantz

Who Said the Tribes Only Support Democrats?

Brandon Powers (here and here) and Jon Fleischman (here) previously posted about the "Team 2006" Sovereign Nations PACand the significant IEs the combined tribal effort is pursuing. Despite Saturday’s SDUT article depicting some sort of falling out between the tribes making up the new PAC, and its impact on Tony Strickland — with one of the tribes switching its funding to John Chiang apparently (although Tony is still benefiting hugely)— a load of other IE dollars are being spent.

Here’s the updated 24-hour list of the most significant late IEs by Team 2006:

Republicans: Guy Houston – AD 15 – $224,000 Audra Strickland – AD 37 – $121,000 Shirley Horton – AD 78 – $281,000… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The MVP Award for the Strickland Campaign goes to…

As the FlashReport finished up our election year coverage by recognizing some of the Most Valuable Players from a few of the statewide campaigns (we are only highlighting Republicans because we really have no interest in heaping praise on the technicians who work hard to elect those who grow the size and scope of government), our focus goes to the campaign of former Assemblyman Tony Strickland, who is in a close contest with Democrat John Chiang in the race for California State Controller. And Tony’s MVP is… TONY’S MVP: PAUL HEGYI, CAMPAIGN MANAGER The FlashReport MVP Award for the Strickland for Controller campaign goes to Paul Hegyi who is the day-to-day campaign coordinator for Team Tony. Unlike the previous two campaigns we have already featured in the "MVP" category, Strickland has really had to wage two campaigns — a hard fought win in the primary… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Best of the Web on the CA Campaigns

From the WSJ’s Best of the Web daily e-mail: Republicans’ Golden State

Democrats are supposed to do well in tomorrow’s election, but the New York Times reports from Los Angeles that one bright spot for the GOP is likely to be California, a state John Kerry carried by almost 10% of the vote:

Of the seven statewide offices up for grabs, two are all but certain to go to Republicans, and three are in a statistical tie, according to a Field Poll released Thursday. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger leads his Democratic challenger by roughly 16 points, and the Republican candidate for state insurance commissioner has nearly a 10-point lead. The race for lieutenant governor is a dead heat,Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Lincoln Club Website Generates 110,000 Visits

The three week radiocampaign driving Central Valley Voters to to view our voter guide has generated an astounding 110,000 visits to the club’s website. This news bodes well for locally endorsed candidates and the ballot initiatives and seems to represent significant local interest in the elections.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold in Irvine: The Photos

I took some photos on my trusty Motorola RZR phone at the Irvine V6 Headquaters earlier during the Governor’s GOTV visit. Pardon some of the poor quality, it is a phone camera, after all…

Lot of television cameras were on hand to listen to the Governor this morning.

Councilwoman Christina Shea welcomes the Governor to Irvine!

The Governor talks to a Victory ’06 GOP Volunteer.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold in Irvine

This morning the Governor is starting out his day on the campaign trail at the home town of the FlashReport — Irvine, in Orange County. We’re live blogging from this Victory 06 headquarters which has been one of the highest "producing" centers in terms of volunteer activism.

There are about a hundred people here today, with about 20 being precinct walkers here to shake hands with the Governor before they head out and everyone else is on the phones.

On hand to welcome the Governor is Irvine City Councilwoman Christina Shea, who told me, "We are pleased to welcome the Governor to Irvine. The Governor is so supportive of our Republican efforts locally, and we are excited to support him!"

The media turnout, as you would expect, is intense, with a combination of television, radio and newpaper reporters on hand. It’s crazy congested here with so many volunteers, all of the press, and a lot of the Governor’s staff and advance folks.

Also on hand here is Santa Ana Coucilman Carlos Bustamante, who said the he is pleased to see so many young people at the HQ (despite the comment, Bustamante, at 41,… Read More

Mike Spence

Three ways the Governor can lose Tuesday

I know. I know. The Governor is going to win Tuesday. His campaign’s triangulation of California’s voters has been unbelievable. The Phil Angelides campaign wipes from memory the doomed Lungren debacle as worst campaign. So how can the Governor lose? Three ways. First: God Forbid McClintock, McPherson or Strickland loses by a little bit. People will ask how can the Governor be responsible for their campaigns? He isn’t, but at the top of the ticket for any party there is a responsibility to help those underneath. Sure, stomping Angelides and Victory 06 are good things. But when you up 15 points sharing a little love to those below is expected. Imagine the power of an Arnold bus tour with these down ticket folks during the last week. You’ll have to imagine it, because it didn’t happen. Contrast that with Bush whose … Read More

Riverside County Action Weekend

This weekend update was sent over from FR Friend Jeff Miller, Riverside County Republican Chairman.

I spent the weekend in several of our campaign headquarters and wanted to give you an update on my travels throughout Riverside County. Riverside County was "firing on all cylinders" last weekend and it made me PROUD. I started my weekend out in the Desert Friday with stops at campaign HQs of Mary Bono, Bonnie Garcia, and our Palm Desert Victory 06 HQ. The Garcia campaign volunteers were energized and motivated to help Bonnie win. The Palm Desert V06 office was some sight to see. Hat’s off to Bob Olsson and Bob Richmond for put together a machine of volunteers making calls in the desert. All of our phone goals were exceeded and the volunteers were excited and motivated. Senator Jim Battin came down and greeted everyone and the Governor’s arrival had everyone very excited. IRead More