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Jon Fleischman

Doolittle wants to stay in House Leadership?

This morning, newly re-elected California Republican Congressman John Doolittle already sent out a press release announcing his candidacy for re-election to House Leadership, to the position of Conference Secretary.

John Doolittle’s release is long in terms of listing all kinds of administrative things he has done to make the life of Republican Members of Congress easier — but is completely silent in the area where it counts: an analysis of the GOP defeat, what the role of the House Leadership (of which is a part) was in that defeat (or conversely if he feels that the House Leadership was not to blame, then what was to blame).

In light of the drubbing that we just took in the last elections, John Doolittle (Californian or not) and every member of the House Leadership team that wants to keep their job need to articulate publicly what went wrong, and what they think needs to happen in the next Congress to regain the majority, and what they would do if they had it.

The launching of helpful… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Why did we lose Congress?

It is going to take some time to properly digest all of the results from yesterday’s elections and figure out what it all means. That having been said, I will share some general thoughts about the evening. Let’s see – on the the "good news" side of the ledger for the GOP: The healthy re-election of Governor Schwarzenegger, the election of Steve Poizner as Insurance Commissioner, and over on the State Legislative side of things, the fact GOP didn’t lose any seats, and looks poized to actually pick-up the 34th State Senate seat in Central Orange County with the election of Lynn Daucher. I suppose Republicans can take some satisfaction out of the defeat of the tax measure (86, 87, 88, 89) on the ballot, too. On the "bad news" side of things: the loss of Congress and the probable loss of the U.S. Senate, with the exception of Poizner the defeat of all down-ticket GOP candidates, the passage of 40 billion plus plus in ill-advised bond measures, and the defeat of Propositions 85 and 90. You’ll have to wait a day to get a more comprehensive analysis from me on what I think this all… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why did we lose Congress?

It is going to take some time to properly digest all of the results from yesterday’s elections and figure out what it all means. That having been said, I will share some general thoughts about the evening. Let’s see – on the the "good news" side of the ledger for the GOP: The healthy re-election of Governor Schwarzenegger, the election of Steve Poizner as Insurance Commissioner, and over on the State Legislative side of things, the fact GOP didn’t lose any seats, and looks poized to actually pick-up the 34th State Senate seat in Central Orange County with the election of Lynn Daucher. I suppose Republicans can take some satisfaction out of the defeat of the tax measure (86, 87, 88, 89) on the ballot, too. On the "bad news" side of things: the loss of Congress and the probable loss of the U.S. Senate, with the exception of Poizner the defeat of all down-ticket GOP candidates, the passage of 40 billion plus plus in ill-advised bond measures, and the defeat of Propositions 85 and 90. You’ll have to wait a day to get a more comprehensive analysis from me on what I think this all… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Doolittle Pulls Plug On Re-Election Campaign To House Leadership

As quick as he declared his candidacy for re-election to the House Leadership as Conference Secretary, today Congressman John Doolittle (CA-04) pulled the plug.

House Republicans definately need to change out their top leadership who sailed them into stormy seas — as to whether ‘top leadership’ extends down to the minor leadership post held by Doolittle… I couldn’t say. But apparently the Congressman has made the decision about whether he deserves re-election to the spot moot.

His release:

Congressman John T. Doolittle (R-CA) made the following statement this afternoon:

"I’m very thankful for the opportunity to return to Congress and represent the fourth district of California. I’m grateful to the voters for sending me back to Washington, and IRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Minor May Have Lost the Fresno County Sheriff’s Race

In a virtually improbable turn of events, Republican Cal Minor appears to have lost the Fresno County Sheriff’s race to Democrat Margaret Mims. Despite having the endorsements of Congressman Radanovich and Nunes, Assemblyman Villines, the Lincoln Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Deputy Sheriffs and Fresno Police Officers Association, Mims finished the evening with a slim 155 vote lead over Minor.

North Fresno precincts were a ghost town yesterday, with brutally low turnout fueled by: disgust with the Republican led Congress, last week’s Field Poll showing Chuck Poochigian losing by 21 points, and no real contested races for the Legislative seats. This low turnout is what evidently cost Cal Minor an election he should have won handily.

There will likely be a recount, but this one shouldn’t have been close. It appears Cal Minor has become yet another Republican election night casualty.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Still Early, but Ward Connerly Looks to Be Winning in Michigan

Ten years after California passed Prop. 209, the California Civil Rights Initaitive, it appears that Michigan is following in California’s footsteps (10 years later) and passing the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI) tonight. Only 17 of Michigan’s 83 counties are reporting so far, so the numbers could change, but the early returns certainly make it seem that Ward Connerly, Jennifer Gratz and the proponents of MCRI are going to be victorious tonight.… Read More

Turnout At My Own Polling Place

Due to my compilation of the FlashReport today and the upkeep of relatively normal working hours, I was unable to vote before work as I have since college. I voted on my way home from work today. As of 5:57 PM, at my polling location (which serves two precincts totalling 1852 registrants) in very middle-class Irvine, turnout was 14.95% and 15.62% (15.28% total). Very low. The poll was on the ground floor in a retirement community, easily accessible to those high propensity elderly voters. There was a line of about twenty people behind me and I waited between ten and fifteen minutes to get my four-digit code for the machine.

This was probably all to be expected given that most people were just getting off of work. To be honest, I have no idea how Irvine usually stacks up against the rest of the state, but I’m sure one of our industrious readers could figure that out. I’m anxious to check the County Registrar’s website late tonight or tomorrow to see how many more voted after I took account of things.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Election Results – Links

For those of you interested in following election results tonight, we’ll point you to three places on the web:

For those who want it easy, California Republican Party Vice-Chairman Ron Nehring has the ultimate one-stop shop for seeing Golden State returns.

The Secretary of State’s Election Results Webpage

CNN’s Election Central Results Page The DrudgeReport for the latest news and gossip.

Good luck tonight!… Read More