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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor: Time for “bi-partisan belt-tightening”

The Legislative Analyst, Elizabeth Hill, has once again issued a report where she is VERY concerned about the structural deficit of the State of California. Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines (pictured) responded to her alarming report by saying:

“Assembly Republicans are encouraged by the nonpartisan legislative analyst’s projection of a larger than expected $3.1 billion budget reserve at the end of the current budget year. However, we take very seriously her forecast of a $5.5 billion shortfall next year and large projected future deficits as a warning sign of budget danger lurking ahead.

Though California has made progress in reducing the size and severity of our state’s fiscal problems, today’s report shows that much work remains to be done if we are to truly eliminate the deficit once and for all. With aRead More

Jon Fleischman

Governor: Time for “bi-partisan belt-tightening”

The Legislative Analyst, Elizabeth Hill, has once again issued a report where she is VERY concerned about the structural deficit of the State of California. Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines (pictured) responded to her alarming report by saying:

“Assembly Republicans are encouraged by the nonpartisan legislative analyst’s projection of a larger than expected $3.1 billion budget reserve at the end of the current budget year. However, we take very seriously her forecast of a $5.5 billion shortfall next year and large projected future deficits as a warning sign of budget danger lurking ahead. Though California has made progress in reducing the size and severity of our state’s fiscal problems, today’s report shows that much work remains to be done if weRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

34th SD Watch: This Nail Biter Just Got More Nail Biter-y

Man, what a nail biter.

The newest tally in the 34th Senate District is out, and Lynn Daucher’s lead over Lou Correa has further shrunk to just 147 votes. gistrar of Voters has justed posted the latest results.

LYNN DAUCHER (REP) 53019 49.7% LOU CORREA (DEM) 52872 49.5% OTTO BADE 886Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Top Legislative Liaison, GOPer Richard Costigan, announces his departure…

Richard Costigan, who has served admirably as Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggers top point person with the State Legislature is leaving his Deputy Chief of Staff post and going into the private sector, where we hear he is going to work for the prominent, well heeled PR/Law firm of McKenna, Long and Aldridge (then again the last time we ‘heard’ where he was going, not only was he not going there, he wasn’t going anywhere). Nevertheless, the source is credible. We here at the FlashReport wish Richard the best of luck — we have no idea how anyone could stand up to the rigors of that post under quasi-normal circumstances, let alone the absolute craziness that he has had to endure. I caught up to Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and asked him to comment on Costigan’s departure. He had this to say: "Richard did an excellent job in trying to push the Republican agenda and sometimes difficult situations. We wish him the best luck in his new endeavors." Of course, Richard’s departure sparks the question of who will be hired to fill this critical role in the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Three Lessons from Saracino

A must read in California Political Review Online from Bill Saracino, including this mild passage:

"Here in California it would be madness for rank and file Republicans or GOP organizations to give Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger anything just because he asks for it. Running perhaps the most selfish campaign in California history, the governor gave the Republican party absolutely nothing, and that is precisely what he should receive in return. He is now officially a lame duck and should be treated as one.

"He did less then nothing for his statewide ticket “running mates,” finding time in the last ten days of the campaign to take a gratuitous slap at Tom McClintock over McClintock’s opposition to some of the bonds on the ballot. Running between 18 and 25 percent ahead of dead-man-walking Angelides in polls, and with a 3 to 1 monetary advantage, Schwarzenegger couldn’t see his way clear to share any of his funds with other Republicans, let alone appear with them." Bill, why don’t you tell us how you really feel.

Read it all… Read More

Jon Fleischman

President Bush nominates Jim Rogan to Federal District Court!

This afternoon President George W. Bush announced that he has nominated Orange County Superior Court Judge James E. Rogan to a seat on the United States District Court for the Central Valley!

Rogan, of course, is a superstar on the Republican side of the aisle. While originally a Democrat, Rogan found his heart and soul in the Grand ol’ Party of Abraham Lincoln. He has had a storied career — as a successful gang murder prosecutor, a judge up in Los Angeles County, GOP Majority Leader (yes, we had one of those once!) of the California State Assembly, a Member of Congress (where he served as one of the handful of managers of impeachment trial of former President Bill Clinton), and went on to serve President George W. Bush as an Undersecretary of Commerce and as Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and was recently appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger to fill a vacancy on the Orange County Superior Court.

The… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

49ers fumble SF’s Olympic Dreams

San Francisco saw its Olympic dreams go down in flames this week after the 49ers announced that they were moving the team to Santa Clara. The San Francisco 2016 committee had planned on pitching a new stadium at Candlestick Point as the home for the opening and closing sessions of the summer Olympics that year. But by yesterday, Mayor Gavin Newsom had sent a letter telling the U.S. Olympic Commission that the city was withdrawing from the competition to be the American city recommended by the USOC to the international committee. Chicago and Los Angeles are still in the running. Newsom’s letter told the USOC that it didn’t make any sense to “drag out what in the end would clearly be a… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Support Shadegg for Whip

Yesterday, I posted my endorsement of Mike Pence for Republican Leader. Here is the endorsement letter I sent to fellow House members putting my support behind John Shadegg for Republican Whip.

Dear Colleague: I come from the business world. In that environment, if your company’s earnings disappear and your stock price drops through the floor, the market requires that you replace your leadership and your methods. This usually involves changing all of the management team regardless of how much or how little each individual member had to do with the company’s problems. If you don’t do that, the market has no reason to reinvest in you. Our market, the voters, sent us a clear message last week. Just like a company, we need to prove that we understand our faults and are willing to correct our ways. John Shadegg represents the new direction that is needed in the position of minority whip. You heard John in conference before the election, and I’m sure you received his e-mails as I have. He is fresh. He is motivated. He is inspiring.

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